Diana Hadad - Eih Ra2yak

Thread: Diana Hadad - Eih Ra2yak

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  1. wax000 said:

    Default Diana Hadad - Eih Ra2yak

    Salaam, can someone please translate this into English please (with arabic lyrics too!!)?

  2. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    PLease post links so other people can listen, wax000

    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  3. wax000 said:
  4. AhmedEbrahim's Avatar

    AhmedEbrahim said:


    Diana Hadad - Eih Ra2yak

    ايه رايك بالعند فيك
    I can't say the exact translation for this but it means : I'll do what i want and you can do nothing about it ( you cant affect my decision)
    مش راجعة ليك
    I won't come back to you
    وان كان على قلبى خلاص نسيك
    as for my heart , my heart forgot you
    مش دارى بيك
    it doesn't feel you
    كان باقى لحد ما هان عليك
    it waited until you became incurious about it
    عشت حياتى مصدقاك
    I lived my life believing you
    بعشق هواك
    adoring your love
    وانا يوم ورا يوم مستحملاك
    and day by day i was bearing you
    ويزيد قساك
    your hardness was increasing
    وياريتك كان فارق معاك
    you weren't even caring about it

    مبقاش يخيل عليا تحايلنى
    it doesn't fool me anymore your approaching
    فارقنى وانسانى وابعد عنى
    leave me , forget me and stay away from me
    اديتك اكتر من حقك
    I gave you more than what you deserve
    وانت ظالمى على طول وياك
    and you were darkening me all along

    انا ماشية وسايباك تمام
    I'm walking away and leaving you
    وخلاص سلام
    it's over goodbye
    كلها ايام وانساك اوام
    just few days and i will soon forget you
    مفيهاش كلام
    without a doubt
    خلينى ارتاح واعرف انام
    let me sleep and feel comfort
    ده ردى على اللى احنا فيه
    this is my reply to our situation
    هتلومنى ليه
    why blaming me
    ايه فى اللى بقوله اتلام عليه
    what of my words I should be blamed for
    يفيد بايه
    why it matters
    اديتك قلبى لعبت بيه
    I gave you my heart and you played with it

    I translate the meaning more than the exact words
    so it makes sense and you totally understand it !