هيثم يوسف – حرت

حرت والي حيرتني انت
7rt w el 7aeartni inta
Im confused ,and who had make me confused is you

ضعت والي ضيعتني انت
Th3t w el thaea3tni inta
Im lost ,and who had make me lost is you

تعذبني واكول للناس مو انت
Ti3athibni wagol li nas mo inta
You are making me suffer ,and im telling the people its not you who had make all these things to me

حرت والي حيرني انت
7rt w el 7aeartni inta
Im confused ,and who had make me confused is you

ضعت والي ضيعني انت
Th3t w el thaea3tni inta
Im lost ,and who had make me lost is you

فرح انت حزن انت
Fara7 inta 7zn inta
Happiness is you ,sadness is you

تعذبني واكول للناس مو انت
Ti3athibni wagol li nas mo inta
You are making me suffer ,and im telling the people its not you

يسألوني وشكول اني؟
Ys2loni w shagol ani
They are asking me ,and what should I say?

اكولهم حبي بجاني
Agolhom 7obi bajani
Shall I say my love is making me cry ?

ولو مجروح اصبر الروح
W law majrou7 asbr el rou7
Even if im hurt ,I give patience to my soul

قلبي الي جرحته وياك
Galbi ele jra7ta weak
My heart which has been hurt by you

ينسى جروحه علمته
Yinsa jrou7a 3alamta
I taught him to forget his wounds

اذا تجرحني شي عادي
Etha tijra7ni shae 3adi
If you hurt me, its ok

واموت لخاطرك عادي
Wamout li khatirak 3adi
If I die for your sake ,its ok

اصيح بصوت احبك موت
Asi7 b sot a7ibak mot
Im shouting with all my voice ,I love you so much

ميهمني حبيبي الكون اذا لعيونك خسرته
Mayhmni 7abebe el kon etha la3eounak khsrta
I don’t care if I lose the world for reaching your eyes

نار البعد تحركني
Nar el-bo3d ti7rigni
The fire of farness is burning me

روحك ما تفاركني
Rou7ak ma tfarigni
Your soul never separates from me

هواك الكي واشمك بيه
Hawak algi washimak bih
I find your love ,and I smell you in it

حبيبي اتمنى لو الكاك
7abebe atmana lo algak
Darling I hope if I could find you

لكن انت وين انت
Lakin inta wen inta
But you ,where are you!!
