Ehab Tawfik - Aktar Men Keda [*]

Thread: Ehab Tawfik - Aktar Men Keda [*]

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  1. Bent-el-naas said:

    Default Ehab Tawfik - Aktar Men Keda [*]


    Can anyone please translate ehab tawfik aktar men keda into english for me?

    Thanks in advance
  2. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    أكتر من كده ايه
    aktar men keda eih
    more than this what
    عمري و خدته
    3omry w khadto
    my life you took
    و قلبي دخلته
    w albi dakhalto
    and my heart you entered
    و كل كلام الحب أنا قلته
    w kol kalam el 7ob ana aolo
    and all the words for love I've said (to you)
    اللي انا عرفته و اللي انا لسه مش عارف معاني
    elly ana 3arfo w elly ana lesa mesh 3aref ma3ani
    the ones I know and the ones I still don't know what they mean (meaning the words of love)

    ولا دوبتك و لا سهرتك
    wla dawbtak wla sahartak
    and I didn't make you melt (as in make you fall in love with me) and I didn't make you stay up all night
    و لا بكيتك و لا حيرتك
    wla bakeetak wla 7ayrtak
    and I didn't make you cry and I didn't confuse you

    انا من وسط الدنيا اخترتك
    ana men west el dunya ekhtartak
    I chose you from this life
    و العالم و ما فيه
    w el 3alam we ma fi
    and the world and what's in it

    فكرني نسيتك امتى
    fkarni neseetak emta
    you thought I forgot you, when?
    فكرت فمن غيرك انت
    fakart fmen ghirak enta
    I thought of who but you

    هات حق اللي انت عيوني و قلبي و روحي بيجرو عليك
    hat ha2 elly enta 3ounyi w albi w roo7i bygro 3alaik
    you're my eyes, and my heart and my soul, they all go after you (meaning crazy about you)
    وانت بعيد عن عيني
    w enta ba3eed 3an 3aini
    when you're away from my eyes
    باحس ان انت قصادي
    ba7es en enta 2osadi
    I feel that you're near me

    لما بقول عايزك ده مش كلام على فاضي
    lma ba2ol 3ayzak da mosh kalam 3l fady
    when I say that I want you, it's not just talk
    هو اللي انا حسيته
    hwa elly ana 7aseeto
    it's what I felt
    ما خبيتهوش و داريته
    ma khabeetosh w dareto
    I didn't hide it and conceal it

    بنتخاصم و نتصالح
    bentkhasm w netsaleh
    we fight and we make up
    و دايما قلبي بيسامح
    w dayman albi besale7
    and always my heart forgives
    وباقدر علي
    w ba2dar 3li
    and I'm able to this (meaning it's ok with me)
    انا على ايدك دقت عذاب الحب و قلت نصيبي
    ana 3la eedak do2t 3azab el 7ob w 2olt naseebi
    I, on your hands, tasted the torture of love and I said that this is my destiny
    قلبي يقولي تعبت و اقوله مهما يكون ده حبيبي
    albi y2oli t3bt w a2olo mhma ykon da 7abiby
    my heart tells me that it's tired and I tell it whatever he/she does he/she's my lover
    حتى بعز جروحي انا سلمتك روحي
    7ata b3ez gro7i ana salmeak roo7i
    even in my most painful wounds I handed you my soul

    *hope this is clear, because I wrote the lyrics how I heard them*
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  3. Bent-el-naas said:


    thank uuuuuuuuu, theyre very clear
  4. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    you're welcome
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.