Thaar Al3ali - Watfi [*]

Thread: Thaar Al3ali - Watfi [*]

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  1. najla's Avatar

    najla said:

    Default Thaar Al3ali - Watfi [*]

    hello all can someone translate this for me ?

    I think it's iraqian/ syrian dialect?
  2. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    the dialect is Syrian, but this is used in the suburbs and villages

    تعالي عينيني نتفة
    Ta3ali 3yneenee netfe
    Come help me a little
    يخرب بيتك يا وطفي
    Ykhreb baitk ya watfi
    May God destroy your house oh Watfi (literal trans.)
    كسرت ضهري المجرفي
    Kasart dahry el majerfe
    This axe has been the cause of my back’s ache

    درت المي على الساقييا
    Dert el may 3la el sa2aya
    I’ve put water in all the channels

    على حقلي لاشو جايي
    3la 7a2le lasho jayee
    Why are you coming to my field (farm)
    ام كفوف محنايا
    Om kfouf m7anayee
    The one with the Hena hands (describing her)

    ليكو يإدا المراي
    Laiko b2eeda el mraye
    She has a mirror in her hand
    الحمرا كيلوا عالشفة
    El 7amra kilo 3lshefe
    You have a kilo of lipstick on the lips

    تبودرتي و تكحلتي
    Tboudarti w tka7alti
    You’ve put powder
    لا شعراتك سرحتي
    La sha3ratek sara7te
    You didn’t comb your hair
    بالفيات تفرعتي
    Belfayat tfara3tee
    You’re resting under the shadows
    اخدتيلك مية غفوة
    Akhadteelek meet ghafwe
    You’ve taken a hundred of naps
    كيدنا هد جبال وكيدن هد رجال ويلي
    Kaidna had jbal w kaidon had rjal waily
    No idea how to translate that but it generally means that our wickedness has destroyed mountains but theirs (women’s) have destroyed men

    sorry but maybe some lines are not in order, these are what I found, hope it's clear enough
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  3. najla's Avatar

    najla said:


    Thank u so much Sohuda, Jad fara7tini
  4. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    3afwan 3aini
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.