Conversation Between StripedSweater and amaryn

  1. StripedSweater's Avatar

    StripedSweater said:
    just kill me lol jk it's kicking my butt
  2. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    school racing on, Sweater?
  3. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
  4. StripedSweater's Avatar

    StripedSweater said:
    Lol thanks! You're the best :P What have you been up to?
  5. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    School is hard, I believe you. They always keep one busy with exams and investigations, homework and what have you.
    S, I promise to be patient!!! Good to hear from you- always!
  6. StripedSweater's Avatar

    StripedSweater said:
    Hey! Life is good. I write when I can but school is hard lol how are you doing???
  7. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Darlink, how'zz the life developing???? I'd LOVE to hear from you!
  8. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    you should be ashamed of yourself Yep, missing you a lot, your writing too. I was abroad and a lot away myself in summertime.
    I'm also on Twitter these days. But first and for all: so many hobbies!! There's too little time it seems. Intend to keep in touch
  9. StripedSweater's Avatar

    StripedSweater said:
    OMG I haven't been on in sooo long! lol It's already fall! How are you?!?!
  10. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Put away that Sweater!! Summer's here,lol How r u?