Conversation Between MysteryUp and amaryn

  1. MysteryUp's Avatar

    MysteryUp said:
    Xronia polla I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and most of joys everyday in your life. Take care
  2. MysteryUp's Avatar

    MysteryUp said:
    Hello of course I found it. I'm going to check , cheers
  3. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Iassou! Found the link, stin ellada?
  4. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said: I don't think you need the 55.html, but it will get you to one of its pages If any problem occurs getting there, tell me , but I think you'll be allright. I was started in the spring and people (including me veveos ) keep posting!
    Kalos irthate!
  5. MysteryUp's Avatar

    MysteryUp said:
    Hey could you give me the link ?
  6. MysteryUp's Avatar

    MysteryUp said:
    Hello how are you? I will check the thread
  7. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:
    Kali mera, Mysteryup! Have a look at the Greek song dedication thread! Lots of fantastic Greek YT's gia mas!