Conversation Between MiT and ShadowLeeSharp

  1. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    cooL ..... I'm also doing good.. umm... and these days I'm lil bored also XD
  2. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:
    HOLA I'm doing just fine!! Teehee ^^ wbu???
  3. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    hie... how r u ? hehe....
  4. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    ya I'm in college ahh!.. its so bad lol
    books books study study duh! boring boring XD
    hope you'll like it ...
    and thanks the songs I'm working on now is better than previous ones, new ones are always better than previous ones
    best of luck to you too
  5. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:
    Okay sure of course I will!
    N I didn't know you were in college
    I'll make sure to listen to you! best of luckkk
  6. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    and do let me know if youre interested in getting started with recording related stuff maybe I can help you with getting started
  7. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    hmm... yeah!... just started this year January as a new start hehe.... but college keeps me busy so I'm unable to give all my time but still I try n get some time for it....
    if you wanna check out my recording then follow this link:
    It is my latest track One love remix.. recorded few weeks ago ... after that I'm again busy with my college LOL
    you may have heard Blue-One Love... this is remix of it and rap part is by me.....
  8. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:
    Thanks a bunch, mate!
    And how's about you? Have you recorded any songs? ?
  9. MiT's Avatar

    MiT said:
    hehe... yeah! missed lil bit .... well I would love to see you start recording your songs so best of luck for that
  10. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:
    Awhh!!! U missed me?? Lol that's so sweet

    N nope not just yet but don't doubt that I will!! ;D