Conversation Between SK'nDeep and Frankie Jasmine

  1. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    SK'nDeep, whoa, did you disappear when the Rap Forum changed? Did you disappear cuz the Rap Forum changed? Or cuz all your work got deleted?

    If you're gone, that's a big loss here. You're better than that. You don't need @*&%$#&@% to have good lyrics. You're my 'Rap Man!'
    Props said where props due,
    That mean you.
    Well, I told you I'm not a rapper! Please come back. Hey, I just saw Doug Denslowe wrote to you. He's a good songwriter. Check it out.
    Please return. I'm gonna send you a PM
  2. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Hey, old buddy! How are you? . . . Yes, I'm still around. Addicted, can't pull away from ATL. I just posted songs & lyrics by a guy (you probably already know him). Anyway, my thinking is that you might like him, just a little bit, anyway. Certainly not a rapper, but integrates a touch of rap here and there, along with reggae/Bahamian sound. His songs are not deep like yours, friend. Most are light and fun. A few are heavy--dysfunctional families (but I haven't posted those yet). I can't stand it when the CD printed lyrics are incorrect, so I listened to each of 4 songs I posted, trying to get the lyrics right. I hope you enjoy it. Either way, I welcome your opinion:

    Post 5063.
  3. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Hey-hey 'Skin! Keep smilin'. Got a little something to send you. Ridiculous though it is. Ya know that song, "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry? (Maybe not, it's a little "country.") Anyway, every time I hear it, different words kept running thru the old brain than what they were singing. So . . . as bad as it is, I did a little lyrics
    'exorcism' to get those tricky words out of my brain. So, it ends up sounding like bad "Weird Al Yankovich," but at least it was fun to do:
  4. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    And still here. Check this one out:

    RYAN ANDREAS - Post #3, first video. (Listen to him tell his story!)
  5. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Still here. Check it out:

    Post #10
  6. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Hey! How are you? I just read Truth and would like to comment there if you want (lots of positive/one constructive), SK'nDeep. But I don't want to make myself a pest. I will say it is a great song. I am happy that you use the medium to share such critical messages. This is a way the 21st century can get across values and respect, nonviolence, to a mostly young audience; rappers like you will be for the 21st C. what great "folk singers" were in the '1960s' and early '1970s.'
  7. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    'Awesome?' That's not something I'm used to being called. Thank you, SK'nDeep!!
  8. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:
    Hi, SK'nDeep! Thank you very much for your post on the Lyrics Off Topics. You expressed yourself well, and I have responded there for you. I hope what I wrote is supportive, honest, and encouraging, and not frustrating for you!