ploutarxos translation

Thread: ploutarxos translation

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  1. ayesha's Avatar

    ayesha said:

    Default ploutarxos translation


    Is there anyone who have the lyrics and the english translation about "o, ti ki an mou les" of Yiannis Ploutarxos???

    Many thanks in advance...

    Have a nice day!
  2. mnisareti's Avatar

    mnisareti said:


    Ό,τι κι αν μου λες (Whatever you say to me)

    Με το φέρσιμο σου μ' έκανες να φτάσω ως εδώ
    With your behaviour you made me reach this stage
    Τον εγωισμό σου δεν μπορώ να τρέφω άλλο εγώ
    I cannot feed your ego anymore
    λες πως μετανιώνεις δακρύζεις και θυμώνεις
    you say that you regret, you cry and get angry
    και κλαις για όλα αυτά μα τώρα είναι αργά
    and cry for all these but now it's too late

    Ό,τι κι αν μου λες όσο και να κλαις
    Whatever you say to me, as much as you cry
    γνώμη δεν αλλάζω ξέρεις ότι φταις
    I don't change my mind, you know it's your fault
    Ό,τι κι αν μου λες όσο και να κλαις
    Whatever you say to me, as much as you cry
    τέρμα τώρα βάζω και κάνε ότι θες
    I put an end now and do whatever you want
    Για τον εαυτό σου ζούσαμε κι οι δύο ως εδώ
    For yourself we were both living up to now
    στο έργο το δικό σου πες μου τι ρόλο είχα εγώ
    tell me what part I had in your play
    λες πως μετανιώνεις δακρύζεις και θυμώνεις
    you say that you regret, you cry and get angry
    και κλαις για όλα αυτά μα τώρα είναι αργά
    and cry for all these but now it's too late

    Ό,τι κι αν μου λες όσο και να κλαις...
    Whatever you say to me, as much as you cry
    Τώρα δεν μ' αλλάζεις όσο κι αν φωνάζεις
    Now you cannot change me, as much as you yiel
    πρέπει να με χάσεις για να καταλάβεις
    you have to loose me so you can understand

    Ό,τι κι αν μου λες όσο και να κλαις...
    Whatever you say to me, as much as you cry....
