Emma Marrone - Cercavo Amore (to english)

Thread: Emma Marrone - Cercavo Amore (to english)

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  1. pacce's Avatar

    pacce said:

    Default Emma Marrone - Cercavo Amore (to english)

    thanks in advance for translate
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Mostrami i segni delle tue ferite/ show me your scars left by wounds
    che mi sembrano guarite già da un po'/ that seemed to be healed for a while now
    Guardati quest'attitudine ti rende meno fragile,/ look at you, this attitude makes you less fragile
    ma poco credibile/ but not much trustworthy
    Mi hai detto ti amo, non mi ricordo/ did you say you love me, i can't remember
    Cercavo amore e alla fine mi ero illusa fossi te/ i was looking for love and i deceived myself it was you
    Cercavo amore, ma alla fine ho avuto tutto tranne/ I was looking for love, but in the end i got everything except...
    Cercavo amore e alla fine ho anche creduto fosse in te/ I was looking for love, and in the end i even believed it was within you
    Cercavo amore, ma alla fine ho sparato contro te/ i was looking for love, but in the end i shot you

    Spingiti oltre quella specie di monito silenzio/ push yourself beyond that kind of warning silence
    e spogliati di ogni tua banalità/ and get rid of every triviality of yours
    Mi hai detto ti amo non mi ricordo/ did you say you love me, i can't remember
    Cercavo amore e alla fine mi ero illusa fossi te/ i was looking for love and i deceived myself it was you
    Cercavo amore, ma alla fine ho avuto tutto tranne/ I was looking for love, but in the end i got everything except...
    Cercavo amore e alla fine ho anche creduto fosse in te/ I was looking for love, and in the end i even believed it was within you
    Cercavo amore, ma alla fine ho sparato contro te/ i was looking for love, but in the end i shot you

    l'amore che mi prometteva di baciarmi, abbracciarmi, idolatrarmi/ the love which would promise me to kiss me, hold me, idolize me
    Mi hai detto ti amo non ti conosco/ you said you love me, i don't know you
    Cercavo amore e alla fine mi ero illusa fossi te/ i was looking for love and i deceived myself it was you
    Cercavo amore, ma alla fine ho avuto tutto tranne/ I was looking for love, but in the end i got everything except...
    Cercavo amore e alla fine ho anche creduto fosse in te/ I was looking for love, and in the end i even believed it was within you
    Cercavo amore, ma alla fine ho sparato contro te/ i was looking for love, but in the end i shot you
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"