Portuguese lyrics translations

Thread: Portuguese lyrics translations

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  1. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    I believe you are talking about this album:

    Well I found no lyrics for these songs. If you could upload them to a server I can try to write down the lyrics :-). Be welcome!
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  2. romescafe said:


    Hello, Algebra.

    Yes, that is the album I'm talking about. The whole album is really good but the two songs I mencioned above are my top favourites. Could I send you the songs via email or PM?

    Thank you again for the prompt response.
  3. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Please, send them to my email. What means PM? :-)
    Last edited by algebra; 02-28-2009 at 01:38 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  4. romescafe said:


    Okay, both songs have been sent to your email. I hope you like them.
    By the way, PM is Private Message.
  5. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Oh! Thank you, I think I will... Well I'm going to hear in few minutes later, I hope you are not hurry about.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  6. Daniel Badaro's Avatar

    Daniel Badaro said:


    For you fellows who want to learn Brazilian Portuguese, here is something I wrote in 2005.
    I must tell you that in 2008 Brazilian government signed an international orthographic agreement with the other countries around the world which have Portuguese as official language, and consequently some of the rules I wrote in 2005 were modified.
    An example of that is the use of 'trema'. According to the new agreement, it won't be used anymore (except in proper names). Another inovation in our language is the inclusion of the letters K, Y and W in the alphabet.

    Portuguese Alphabet
    ‘Alfabeto Português’

    The Portuguese alphabet used to have 23 letters. They are:

    Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh

    Ii Jj Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq

    Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Xx Zz

    The letters Kk, Ww and Yy have just been introduced in the Portuguese alphabet, so they appear mostly in foreign words.


    a e i o u


    b c d f g h

    j l m n p q

    r s t v x z


    In Portuguese there are 5 accents, which are used on the vowels. They are:

    ‘Acento Agudo’: á é í ó ú

    This accent makes the vowel assume an opened sound and it appears only in the stressed syllable. Examples: Água, café, visível, ótimo, inútil.

    ‘Acento Circunflexo’: â ê ô

    This accent makes vowels assume a closed sound. As in the previous case, it appears only in the stressed syllable and only ‘a’, ‘e’ and ‘o’ can take this accent. Examples: Ânimo, você, avô.

    ‘Til’: ã õ

    Only ‘a’ and ‘o’ can take a ‘til’ accent. This accent makes vowels assume a nasal sound. When you speak, part of the air flows trough your nose (although it’s not very perceptible). In most languages this is the sound that vowels take when they are followed by an ‘n’. It can happen both in stressed or unstressed syllables. Examples: Acórdão, uniões.

    ‘Crase’: à

    Only the ‘a’ can take a ‘crase’. It doesn’t modify the sound of the letter and is used to indicate the junction of two letters ‘a’.

    ‘Trema’: ü

    Only the letter ‘u’ can take a ‘trema’. It’s used in some special cases to indicate that the ‘u’ is pronounced in the groups ‘qüe’, ‘qüi’, ‘güe’ and ‘güi’. When these groups appear without the ‘trema’, the ‘u’ is not pronounced.

    Letters' Pronunciation
    ‘Pronúncia das Letras’


    Is pronounced like the Spanish ‘a’ in ‘hablar’, or the Greek ‘α’ in ‘Αθήνα’, or the English ‘a’ sound in ‘father’ and ‘our’.

    The same as previous. The accent is used only to indicate that the syllable is stressed.

    ã, an, am, ân, âm
    It is a nasal vowel, pronounced like the Greek ‘αν’ or the English ‘un’ in ‘under’. The ‘a’ always takes this sound before an ‘m’ or an ‘n’.

    Without accent it is sometimes pronounced like the ‘e’ in ‘bed’, sometimes like the ‘a’ in ‘take’ but without the ending ‘y’ sound and sometimes like the ‘ee’ in ‘see’. There are no rules for these pronunciations. It varies from word to word and it also depends on the region of Brasil you are.

    Opened ‘e’. Pronounced like the English ‘e’ in ‘bed’ or the first ‘ε’ in Greek ‘έλα’.
    Closed ‘e’. Pronounced like the ‘a’ in English ‘take’ but without the ending ‘y’ sound or the final ‘ε’ in Greek word ‘ελάτε’.

    en, em, ên, êm
    Before ‘n’ or ‘m’ it takes a nasal sound like in Greek words ‘δεν’ and ‘ένα’ or English ‘end’. The ‘acento circunflexo’ in this case is used only to indicate the stressed syllable.

    i, í
    Like the English ‘ee’ in ‘see’ and ‘bee’ or the Greek ‘ι’, ‘η’ and ‘υ’. The accent is used only to indicate the stressed syllable.

    in, im, ín, ím
    Before an ‘m’ or an ‘n’ it has a nasal sound, like English ‘seen’ and ‘been’ or Greek ‘την’. Again the accent is used to indicate the stressed syllable.

    Without accent it is sometimes pronounced like the ‘o’ in ‘for’, sometimes like the ‘o’ in ‘go’ but without the ending ‘w’ sound and sometimes like the ‘oo’ in ‘good’. There are no rules for these pronunciations. It varies from word to word and it also depends on the region of Brasil you are.

    Opened ‘o’. Pronounced like the English ‘o’ in ‘for’ or the Greek ‘ω’ in ‘τώρα’.

    Closed ‘o’. Pronounced like the ‘o’ in the English word ‘go’ but without the ending ‘w’ sound and in ‘close’ or like the ‘ο’ in the Greek word ‘το’.

    õ, on, om, ôn, ôm
    Pronounced like the ‘o’ in the English word ‘on’ or the ‘ο’ in the Greek word ‘τον’. The ‘acento circunflexo’ in this case is used only to indicate the stressed syllable.

    u, ú
    Like ‘oo’ in English words ‘good’ and ‘root’ or the ‘ου’ in Greek. The accent is used only to indicate the stressed syllable.

    un, um, ún, úm
    Before an ‘m’ or an ‘n’ it has a nasal sound, like English ‘soon’ and ‘zoom’or the Greek ‘μοιάζουν’. Again the accent is used to indicate the stressed syllable.


    The same as English ‘b’ or the Greek ‘μπ’.

    Before ‘a’, ‘o’ or ‘u’ it is pronounced like English ‘k’ or Greek ‘κ’.
    Before ‘e’ or ‘i’ is pronounced like ‘s’ in ‘section’ and ‘sit’.

    This is the ‘c cedilha’. It’s used before ‘a’, ‘o’ or ‘u’. It sounds like ‘s’ in ‘some’, ‘sort’ and ‘soon’.

    Pronounced like the ‘sh’ in ‘show’, ‘should’ and ‘shower’.

    In Portuguese there is not the sound of ‘th’ or ‘δ’. Before ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘o’ or ‘u’ is pronounced like English ‘d’. Before ‘i’, depending on the region of Brasil, it is pronounced like in the word ‘depending’ or like the Italian ‘g’ in ‘Giovani’, ‘Giacomo’ (something like English ‘Jeep’).

    Like English ‘f’ and Greek ‘φ’.

    Before ‘a’, ‘o’ or ‘u’ is pronounced like English ‘g’ in ‘garden’, ‘go’ and ‘good’.
    Before ‘e’ or ‘i’ it is pronounced like the French ‘je’, ‘J’adore’, ‘Jaques’ or ‘Givenchy’ (similar to the ‘si’ in the word ‘vision’).
    To make it sound like in ‘get’ before an ‘e’ or an ‘i’, the letter ‘u’ is added, making ‘gue’ and ‘gui’. In these groups the ‘u’ is not pronounced.

    But there are words in which the ‘u’ in the syllables ‘gue’ and ‘gui’ should be pronounced. In these cases it’s necessary to use the ‘trema’ to make this distinction: ‘güe’ and ‘güi’ (pronounced more or less like in this virtual English word ‘gooee’).

    The ‘h’ itself is not pronounced, but it modifies the sound of the letters ‘c’, ‘l’ and ‘n’ when after these letters in the groups ‘ch’, ‘lh’ and ‘nh’.

    Pronounced like the ‘j’ in French words ‘je’, ‘J’adore’, ‘Jaques’ or ‘Givenchy’.

    The same as English ‘l’ or Greek ‘λ’.
    Pronounced like the ‘λι’ in Greek or the ‘gl’ in Italian words ‘famiglia’, ‘meglio’ and ‘figlio’.

    Like English ‘m’ and Greek ‘μ’.

    Like English ‘n’ or Greek ‘ν’ in the word ‘ναι’.

    Pronounced like Spanish ‘ñ’ in the word ‘niño’ or Italian ‘gn’ in the word ‘gnoco’.

    The same as in English or the Greek ‘π’.

    The ‘q’ is pronounced like the English ‘k’and is always followed by the ‘u’. Examples: ‘quase’, ‘queijo’, ‘aquoso’, ‘Aquiles’.
    In the syllables ‘qua’ and ‘quo’ the ‘u’ is pronounced like in English words ‘quarter’ and ‘quote’.
    In the syllables ‘que’ and ‘qui’ the ‘u’ is not pronounced. So the word ‘quente’ is pronounced like the English name ‘Kent’.
    But when the ‘u’ in these syllables must be pronounced, it’s necessary to put the ‘trema’ on it. So in the word ‘freqüência’, the syllable ‘qüên’ is pronounced as the syllable ‘quen’ in the English word ‘frequency’.

    The ‘r’ is pronounced in three different ways, depending on its position in the word and on the letters that are beside it.
    When it is the first letter in the word it’s pronounced always like the English ‘h’ in the words ‘house’, ‘hat’ and ‘hot’. Examples: ‘rato’, ‘rei’, ‘rico’ and ‘rua’.
    After ‘l’, ‘n’, ‘s’ or another ‘r’, the sound is the same as in the previous case. Examples: ‘alrete’, ‘enrêdo’, ‘Israel’ and ‘arrepio’.
    Between two vowels, the ‘r’ sounds like the Italian ‘r’ or the Greek ‘ρ’. Examples: ‘arara’, ‘horário’, ‘turista’, ‘flores’.
    After the consonants in general (except for ‘l’, ‘n’, ‘s’ and ‘r’) the sound is the same as in the previous case. Examples: ‘bravo’, ‘Creta’, ‘dragão’, ‘atraso’.
    At the end of a syllable (followed or not by an ‘s’ and when the next syllable doesn’t start with a vowel) or at the end of the word it sounds like the French ‘r’ in ‘pardon’ and ‘amour’. Examples: ‘farmácia’, ‘perspicaz’, ‘amor’, ‘tarde’, ‘falar’.
    Remark: In some regions of Brazil, whenever an 'r' appears in the middle or at the end of a word, it sounds like the English sound of the ‘r’.

    The ‘s’ is pronounced exactly like in English words ‘sound’, ‘sea’, ‘sort’. The exception is when the ‘s’ is in the word between two vowels. In this case it’s pronounced like ‘z’ in ‘zoo’. So in words like ‘sofá’, ‘sereia’, ‘arsênico’, ‘necessidade’, ‘enseada’, ‘flores’, ‘mas’ the ‘s’ sounds like in ‘song’. But in words like ‘casa’, ‘peso’, ‘piso’, ‘Elisa’, ‘Ásia’ the ‘s’ sounds like the ‘z’.

    The same as English ‘t’ or Greek ‘τ’. But before ‘i’ sound it can also be pronounced like the English ‘ch’ in ‘cheap’. This variation in the pronunciation depends on the region of Brasil and indeed it is more used than the English sound in ‘team’.

    The same as English ‘v’ or Greek ‘β’.

    It can be pronounced in four ways: Like the Greek ‘ξ’ or English ‘x’ in the word ‘taxi’. Example: ‘tóxico’. Like the ‘z’ in the word ‘zoo’. Example: ‘exonerar’. Like the ‘s’ in the word ‘east’. Example: ‘extensão’. Or like the ‘sh’ in the words ‘show’ and ‘shower’. Example: ‘enxergar’.
    There are no rules about which pronunciation to use. Only by practicing will you learn it.

    The same as the English ‘z’ or the Greek ‘ζ’ in ‘μοιάζουν’.
  7. Mitkuuu's Avatar

    Mitkuuu said:


    hi I'm searching the lyrcis of Kaoma - Bantu,but i can't find them ... If someone can help i will appreciate it
  8. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    I'll take a look and write down the lyrics...
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  9. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:



    I tried but some parts of the song are impossible for me. I believe she saying native expressions/terms. Here's my version

    Bantu ê
    Bantu ê de lata pra tocar tu-bantu
    É bom
    bantu ê
    bantu ê ô ê ô
    Bantu é uma canção de alegria
    Numa festa em harmonia
    Bantu é amor ê ô
    Bantu é união
    Gente linda
    Tens ainda
    Festa, terra
    Marcas tristes
    Bantu é amor ê ô

    If someone want to improve it, be welcome to do...
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  10. Mitkuuu's Avatar

    Mitkuuu said:


    thx algebra
  11. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:

    Default Forró Saborear - Patricinha (Portuguese to English)

    Forró Saborear - Patricinha
    Posh Girl

    Quando ela chega agita a multidão,
    Toda a galera se reúne no salão,
    Admirando o seu jeito de dançar,
    Dançando solta rebolando sem parar.

    When she comes, she livens up the crowd
    All the people come to the dance floor
    In wonder, looking at the way she dances
    Dancing so loose, swinging her hips without stop

    E eu de longe olhando o jeito dela,
    Será se tenho chance pra dançar com ela?
    A minha timidez não deixa eu encostar.
    Será meu Deus quem vai chamar a patricinha pra dançar?

    And I, at distance, look at her manner
    Do I have any chance to dance with her?
    Shyness doesn't allow me to get closer
    Oh my God, who's gonna take a dance with her?

    Chama a patricinha pra dançar
    Junto com o forró saborear
    Não deixe a galera perceber
    Se ela der um fora em você

    Take the posh girl to dance
    By the sound of Forró Saborear
    Don't let people realize
    if she kicks you out
    Last edited by algebra; 12-05-2009 at 11:25 AM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  12. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Luiz Gonzaga e Fagner - ABC do Sertao

    Lá no meu sertão pros caboclo lê
    Têm que aprender um outro ABC
    O jota é ji, o éle é lê
    O ésse é si, mas o érre
    Tem nome de rê

    There in my Sertão, so that people read
    They have to learn an other ABC
    'J' is 'ji, 'L' is 'le'
    'S' is 'si', but 'R'
    is called 're'

    Até o ypsilon lá é pissilone
    O eme é mê, O ene é nê
    O efe é fê, o gê chama-se guê
    Na escola é engraçado ouvir-se tanto "ê"

    Even 'y', they say 'pissilone'
    'M' is 'me', 'N' is 'ne'
    'F' is 'fe', 'G' is called 'gue'
    At the school, it's funny to hear so many 'E's

    A, bê, cê, dê,
    Fê, guê, lê, mê,
    Nê, pê, quê, rê,

    A,b, c, d
    F,g, l, m
    n, p, q r
    Last edited by algebra; 12-05-2009 at 01:42 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  13. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Joanna - To fazendo Falta

    Ontem te encontrei
    Voce estava tão bonito
    Parecia até que nada aconteceu

    Yesterday I met you
    You looked so beautiful
    It seemed that nothing happend

    Jeito de quem está feliz
    De quem está de bem com a vida
    Sei lá
    Mas alguma coisa não me convenceu

    With an air of happiness
    With an air of whom, peaceful with life
    I don't know
    But something didn't convince me

    E ainda faz de conta
    que não está nem aí pra mim
    Mas você não me engana
    Sei que você ainda está afim
    Me diz pra que fazer assim?

    And you even pretend
    that you don't care about me
    But you can't deceive me
    I know you are still interested in me
    Tell why does it have to be like this?

    Você pode ter um tempo pra pensar
    E uma eternidade pra se arrepender
    Tá na cara, dá pra ver no seu olhar
    To fazendo muita falta pra você

    You may get some time to think about
    And take an eternity to regret
    It's upon your face, I can see in your eyes
    You are missing me so much

    É loucura não ouvir o coração
    Desse jeito a gente pede pra sofrer
    Eu não quero te ver na solidão
    Tô fazendo muita falta pra voce

    It is madness not to listen to your heart
    Doing so is like wishing yourself to suffer
    I don't want to see you lonely
    You are missing me so much

    Tô fazendo falta
    Tô fazendo falta
    Tô fazendo falta
    Falta pra você
    Last edited by algebra; 12-05-2009 at 02:36 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  14. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Chimarruts - Versos Simples
    Simple Verses

    Sabe, já faz tempo,
    Que eu queria te falar
    Das coisas que eu trago no peito

    Do you know? For so long
    I wanted to say
    things I carry in my heart

    Já não sei se é a palavra certa para usar
    Ainda lembro do seu jeito

    Maybe that's not the right word to say
    I can still remember your manner

    Não te trago ouro,
    Porque ele não entra no céu
    E nenhuma riqueza deste mundo

    I don't bring you gold
    Because gold can't enter into heaven
    I neither bring any richness of this world

    Não te trago flores,
    Porque elas secam e caem ao chão
    Te trago os meus versos simples,
    Mas que eu fiz de coração.

    I don't bring you flowers
    Because they wilt and fall down along the road
    I bring you only modest verses
    that I made with all my heart
    Last edited by algebra; 12-05-2009 at 05:57 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  15. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:

    Default Djavan - Oceano (Portuguese to English)

    Djavan _ Oceano Ocean

    Assim que o dia amanheceu
    Lá no mar alto da paixão
    Dava prá ver o tempo ruir
    Cadê você?
    Que solidão!
    Esquecera de mim?

    As day dawned
    There, over the sea of the passion
    I could see the time in ruins
    Where are you?
    What a loneliness!
    Did you forget me?

    De tudo o que
    Há na terra
    Não há nada em lugar nenhum!
    Que vá crescer
    Sem você chegar
    Longe de ti
    Tudo parou
    Ninguém sabe
    O que eu sofri...

    And then,
    In name of all that
    exists in this earth, I swear that
    There won't be, at nowhere,
    a thing that grows up,
    without your presence
    Far from you,
    all is paralyzed
    Nobody knows
    how I suffered

    Amar é um deserto
    E seus temores
    Vida que vai na sela
    Dessas dores
    Não sabe voltar
    Me dá teu calor...

    Love is a desert
    with many threats
    Life rides on the saddle
    of my pain
    And doesn’t know the way back
    Give me your heat

    Vem me fazer feliz
    Porque eu te amo
    Você deságua em mim
    E eu oceano
    E esqueço que amar

    Come and make me happy
    because I love you.
    You flow into me
    and I am the ocean.
    And I forget that love...

    É quase uma dor...
    Só sei viver
    Se for por você!

    is almost pain
    I only can life
    if I live for you
    Last edited by algebra; 12-05-2009 at 06:02 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  16. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Adriana Calcanhoto - Vambora

    Entre por essa porta agora
    E diga que me adora
    Você tem meia hora
    Pra mudar a minha vida

    Come through that door right now
    and say you adore me
    You have only half an hour
    to change my life

    Vem, vambora
    Que o que você demora
    É o que o tempo leva

    Come on, hurry
    Because the more you delay
    The less time will be left

    Ainda tem o seu perfume pela casa
    Ainda tem você na sala
    Porque meu coração dispara
    Quando tem o seu cheiro
    Dentro de um livro
    Dentro da noite veloz

    Your perfume still lingers in the house
    There's still you in the living room
    Why does my heart rush
    when I sense your smell
    in the pages of a book,
    Or in the quick going of the night?

    Ainda tem o seu perfume pela casa
    Ainda tem você na sala
    Porque meu coração dispara
    Quando tem o seu cheiro
    Dentro de um livro
    Dentro da noite veloz

    Your perfume still lingers in the house
    There's still you in the living room
    Why does my heart rush
    when I sense your smell
    in the pages of a book,
    in the burning of the hours

    Last edited by algebra; 09-20-2010 at 04:58 AM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  17. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:

    Default Vanessa da Mata - Ai Ai Ai (Banho de Chuva)

    Se você quiser
    Eu vou te dar um amor
    Desses de cinema
    Não vai te faltar carinho
    Plano ou assunto
    Ao longo do dia...

    If you want
    I can give you a kind of love
    like those in the movies
    My care won't be missing for you
    neither plan or talk
    through the whole day

    Se você quiser
    Eu largo tudo
    Vou pr'o mundo com você
    Meu bem!

    If you want
    I leave everything behind
    and I go through the world by your side
    My dear

    Nessa nossa estrada
    Só terá belas praias
    E cachoeiras...

    In this road of us
    there'll be only beautiful beaches
    and waterfalls

    Aonde o vento é brisa
    Onde não haja quem possa
    Com a nossa felicidade
    Vamos brindar a vida meu bem

    Where the wind is breeze
    Where there is no one stronger
    than our happiness
    Let's toast for life, my dear

    Aonde o vento é brisa
    E o céu claro de estrelas
    O que a gente precisa
    É tomar um banho de chuva
    Um banho de chuva...

    Where the wind is breeze
    and the sky is bright with stars
    All we need
    is a bath in the rain
    A bath in the rain
    Last edited by algebra; 09-20-2010 at 05:05 AM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  18. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Claudia Leitte - Beijar na boca
    To french kiss

    Eu estava numa vida de horror
    Com a cabeça baixa sem ninguém me dar valor
    Andava atrás (tchururu) da minha paz (tchururu)

    I was living a life of horrors
    So downcast and I had nobody that could value me
    I was running after my peace

    Agora que mudou a situação
    Choveu na minha horta vai sobrar na plantação
    Deixei pra trás (tchururu), pois tanto faz (tchururu)

    Now that situation has changed
    It rained in my garden and harvest will be plentiful
    I left all behind, now I don't care anymore

    Eu quero mais é beijar na boca
    Eu quero mais é beijar na boca (eu quero mais)
    Eu quero mais é beijar na boca
    E ser feliz daqui pra frente... pra sempre

    All I want is to french kiss
    All I want is to french kiss
    All I want is to french kiss
    To be happy now and then, forever

    Já me livrei daquela vida tão vulgar
    Me vacinei de tudo que podia me pegar
    Corri atrás (tchururu)
    Quem tenta faz (tchururu)

    I left a vulgar life behind
    I got vaccined for all the things that could bother me
    I tried it hard
    Who tries must suceed

    Eu ando muito a fim de experimentar
    Meter o pé na jaca sem ter que me preocupar
    Eu quero mais, mais, mais, mais...

    I'm dying to experiment
    I want to get in trouble without regret about
    I want more, more, more, more, ....


    Eu estava numa vida de horror
    Com a cabeça doida sem ninguém me dar valor
    Andava atrás (tchururu) da minha paz (tchururu)

    I was living a life of horrors
    Got my head gone crazy and I had nobody that could value me
    I was running after my peace

    Agora que mudou a situação
    Choveu na minha horta vai sobrar na plantação
    Deixei pra trás (tchururu), pois tanto faz (tchururu)

    Now that situation has changed
    It rained in my garden and harvest will be plentiful
    I left all behind, now I don't care anymore

    "meter o pé na jaca = to get in trouble " "jaca" is a big brazilian fruit with sweety but gluey flesh.
    Last edited by algebra; 12-05-2009 at 08:51 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  19. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Fagner - Espumas ao Vento
    Foam in the wind

    Sei que ai dentro ainda mora um pedacinho de mim
    Um grande amor não se acaba assim
    Feito espumas ao vento

    I know that deep in you there is still a little bit of me
    A great love doesn't end up this way
    Like foam in the wind

    Não é coisa de momento, raiva passageira
    Mania que dá e passa, feito brincadeira
    O amor deixa marcas que não dá pra apagar

    It's not a thing that lasts a moment
    Or fulgacious anger
    Or will that comes and goes by, like a game
    Love leaves its traces, that can't be erased

    Sei que errei tô aqui pra te pedir perdão
    Cabeça doida, coração na mão
    Desejo pegando fogo

    I know I made mistakes, here I'm to ask pardon
    With my head in craziness, my heart in my hands
    and my desire burning up

    E sem saber direito a hora e o que fazer
    Eu não encontro uma palavra para te dizer
    Ah! se eu fosse você eu voltava pra mim de novo

    Without knowing the right moment,
    Without knowing what to do
    I can't find a single word to say
    Ah, If I were you
    You should come back to me, again

    E uma coisa fique certa, amor
    A porta vai estar sempre aberta, amor
    O meu olhar vai dar uma festa, amor
    Na hora que você chegar

    And be sure of one thing, my love
    The door will always be open, my love
    My eyes will make party, my love
    in the moment you return
    Last edited by algebra; 12-05-2009 at 09:52 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  20. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Roberta Miranda - Madrugada Amiga
    My friend the night

    Vem, madrugada amiga
    vem fazer companhia
    me dizer que eu preciso
    Olha, se eu fui rude contigo
    Ah, me deste um motivo
    pra o meu modo de agir

    Come, my friend the night
    Come and keep me company
    Come and say what I need
    Look, if I ever was rude to you
    Ah, you gave me reason
    for such a behavior of mine

    Desprezei meu orgulho
    em momentos talvez
    Te abracei e beijei
    mas não acreditei
    que estavas me amando

    I disdained my pride
    in few moments peharps
    I embraced and kissed you
    But I couldn't believe
    that you loved me

    As palavras vazias
    nasceram do nada
    Não costumo perder
    pois eu venço calada
    não é de mim te humilhar assim

    Empty words
    Sprouted from nowhere
    I barely lose the game
    Because I win, in silence
    I didn't mean to humiliate you like this

    Já esquecestes momentos felizes
    Um cigarro após outro
    os teus jeitos tão loucos
    o teu olhar no meu
    as palavras não ditas

    Have you forgotten those happy moments of ours?
    Smoking cigarette after cigarette
    Your so insane acts
    Your eyes on mine
    The worlds we didn't say

    Sabe você que eu quero sentir
    Te cobrir de carinho
    te envolver nos meus braços
    e depois de tudo,
    eu morrer de prazer

    You well know what I want to feel
    I want to cover you with caresses
    To wrap you around my arms
    And in the end, then
    to die of pleasure
    Last edited by algebra; 12-06-2009 at 12:06 AM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém