Suki Daisuki by Vocaloid (Japanese to English)

Thread: Suki Daisuki by Vocaloid (Japanese to English)

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  1. lenrinkagamine said:

    Default Suki Daisuki by Vocaloid (Japanese to English)

    Sorry that it's in romaji, I can't type in the japanese characters. There's a lot of videos on YouTube with different translations, and different meanings, so confusing! So can someone please help me?

    (If the lyrics might be wrong, please correct me (i.e typos) )

    ne ne ne nee, ne, chotto ii?

    isogashii nara, gomen

    sukoshi dake, ne sukoshi de ii

    oshaberi ni tsukiatte

    dou shiyou ka? nani shiyou ka

    etto...... geemu demo suru?

    Shiritori shi yo

    Shiri to 'ri'...... 'ri' n.

    gomen ne, tsuduka nai e......

    onaka suka nai? nani ka tabe tai?

    e eto, atashi......mizu de ii ya

    kimi monita kara me o hanashi ta

    suki ni hisshi ni shimyureeto

    sorenanoni baka mitsume rare tara

    nodo ga akwai te koe de nai

    Puha...... dou shiyou

    ano ne jitusha ne......

    dame da, yappari kowai no

    kimochi tsutae ta iyo anata ni

    kono kimochi doushite kurushii no

    ne ne ne nee, ne, chotto ii?

    isogashii nara, gomen

    sukoshi dake, ne sukoshi de ii

    oshaberi ni tsukiatte

    dou shiyou ka? nani shiyou ka

    etto...... sore ja ja janken shiyo

    Jankenpon aiko desho

    gomen ne, tsumaranai ne

    onaka suka nai? nani ka tabe tai?

    e eto, atashi......mizu de ii ya

    ano ne, tokorode, toutosu da kedo

    okashii tte omottara gomen

    bikkuri suru kamo shire nai no

    demo ne, kii te hoshii, e eto......

    Puha...... dou shiyou

    ano ne, jitsuha ne......

    dame da, yappari kowai no

    kimochi tsutae ta iyo anata ni

    kono kimochi doushite kurushii no

    ano ne, jitsuha,

    a ta atashi, ata, atashi, ano, ano

    ano ne, anata ga, aa,

    atashi, gomen, matte a ta atashi

    a ta, atashi, ano, ano ne,

    anata ga, su......

    ano ne, jitsuha no sono, atashi, ata

    atashi, ano, ano, ano ne,

    anata ga, aa......

    atashi, gomen, matte, ano ano ne

    e eto, atashi......

    anata no koto ga...... !

    ano ne atashi anata no koto

    ano ne atashi anata no koto

    atashi wa anata ga......

    su, su, susu, susu, su... su

    susu susu, su, su, su, su,

    suu, waa... gomen, wasure te


    su, su, susu, susu susu

    susu susu, su... su... su... su

    su, su, susu, susu, su... su

    suki, daisuki!!!!
  2. Dreams~'s Avatar

    Dreams~ said:


    The dialogue is very childlike and excludes a lot of proper grammar, so it looks like the translation on the link you posted was pretty good. If you want a second opinion, this is how I'd write it:

    H-h-h-hey, hey, a moment please?
    If you're busy, I'm sorry
    Just a little, hey, just a little would be nice (as in, "just a little bit of your time")
    We can hang out and chat

    What are we gonna do? What should we do?
    Well... how bout we play a game?
    We should play Shiritori (a Japanese word game)
    Shirato"ri"... "ri"n.**
    Sorry, let's not continue...

    **(In Shiratori, players take turns naming off nouns that end with the final kana of the previous word. However, the player who names a word that ends in "n" loses, because no Japanese words start with "n", so the game is over. So what happens in the song is that she tries to start the game by playing off the word "shiratoRI", except she picks the word "RIn", ending in "n", so she loses. )

    Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?
    Well, for me... water will be fine

    You looked away from your monitor
    And immediately, I frantically simulated
    But despite this, you idiot, with you staring at me
    I feel thirsty, and can't speak anymore

    Whew... what should I do?
    You know, the truth is...
    No, I'm too afraid after all

    I want to tell you how I feel
    Why are these feelings so painful?

    H-h-h-hey, hey, a moment please?
    If you're busy, I'm sorry
    Just a little, hey, just a little would be nice
    We can hang out and chat

    What are we gonna do? What should we do?
    Well... we should play that ja-ja-janken (Japanese rock-paper-scissors game)
    Jankenpon! Looks like a tie... (Players say "jan-ken-pon" during gameplay)
    Sorry, this is boring, huh?

    Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?
    Well, for me... water will be fine

    But you know, by the way, suddenly...
    If you think this is silly, I'm sorry
    You might be surprised
    But I want you to listen, well...

    Whew... what should I do?
    You know, the truth is...
    No, I'm too afraid after all

    I want to tell you how I feel
    Why are these feelings so painful?

    (From here on, you probably picked up on how she stutters through what she's trying to say, which is adorable, but impossible to match up in English perfectly since Japanese grammar is so different than ours. )

    You know, the truth is,
    I-I, I-I, well, well...
    You know, you--, ah...

    I, I'm sorry, wait... I-I...
    I-I, well, you know...
    You--, (I) li--

    You know, the truth is that, I... I--
    I, well, well, you know...
    You--, ah...
    I, I'm sorry, wait, well, you know

    Eh... I...
    It's you that I--!

    You know, I, it's you...
    You know, I, it's you...
    It's you that I...

    L-l-li-li, li-li, l...l...
    L-l-l-l, l--, l--, l--, l--
    Liii, haa... I'm sorry, forget it


    L-l, l-l, l-l-l-l...
    L-l-l-l, l-- l-- l-- l--
    L-- l--, l-l, l-l, l-- l--



    Kanji from (this page):

    少しだけ、ね 少しでいい

    どうしようか? 何しようか

    おなか空かない? 何か食べたい?

    君モニタから 目を離した
    隙に 必死に シミュレート
    それなのにバカ 見つめられたら
    喉が乾いて 声でない


    気持ち 伝えた いよ あなたに
    この 気持ち どうし て 苦しいの

    少しだけ、ね 少しでいい

    どうしようか? 何しようか
    じゃんけんポン あいこでしょ

    おなか空かない? 何か食べたい?

    びっくりする かもしれないの


    気持ち 伝えた いよ あなたに
    この 気持ち どうし て 苦しいの





    あのね あたし あなた のこと
    あのね あたし あなた のこと
    あたしは あなたが……





    These are the changes I would make to the roomaji. I think the words were fine, just broken up strangely.

    ne ne ne nee, ne, chotto ii?
    isogashii nara, gomen
    sukoshi dake, ne sukoshi de ii
    oshaberi ni tsukiatte

    dou shiyou ka? nani shiyou ka?
    etto... GAME demo suru?
    shiritori shiyo
    shirito"ri"... "ri"n.
    gomen ne, tsudukanai ne...

    onaka sukanai? nani ka tabetai?
    eeto, atashi... mizu de ii ya

    kimi MONITOR kara me o hanashita
    suki ni hisshi ni SIMULATE
    sorenanoni baka mitsumeraretara
    nodo ga kawaite koe de nai

    puhaa... dou shiyou
    ano ne, jitsu wa ne...
    dame da, yappari kowai no

    kimochi tsutaetai yo anata ni
    kono kimochi dou shite kurushii no

    ne ne ne nee, ne, chotto ii?
    isogashii nara, gomen
    sukoshi dake, ne sukoshi de ii
    oshaberi ni tsukiatte

    dou shiyou ka? nani shiyou ka?
    etto... sore ja ja janken shiyo
    jankenpon aiko desho
    gomen ne, tsumaranai ne

    onaka sukanai? nani ka tabetai?
    eeto, atashi... mizu de ii ya

    ano ne, tokoro de, toutotsu dakedo
    okashii tte omottara gomen
    bikkuri suru ka mo shirenai no
    demo ne, kiite hoshii, eeto...

    puhaa... dou shiyou
    ano ne, jitsu wa ne...
    dame da, yappari kowai no

    kimochi tsutaetai yo anata ni
    kono kimochi dou shite kurushii no

    ano ne, jitsu wa,
    ata atashi, ata, atashi, ano, ano
    ano ne, anata ga, aa,

    atashi, gomen, matte ata atashi
    ata, atashi, ano, ano ne,
    anata ga, su...

    ano ne, jitsu wa no sono, atashi, ata
    atashi, ano, ano, ano ne,
    anata ga, aa...
    atashi, gomen, matte, ano ano ne

    eeto, atashi...
    anata no koto ga...!

    ano ne atashi anata no koto
    ano ne atashi anata no koto
    atashi wa anata ga...

    su, su, susu, susu, su... su
    susu susu, su, su, su, su,
    suu, haa... gomen, wasurete


    su, su, susu, susu susu
    susu susu, su... su... su... su
    su, su, susu, susu, su... su

    suki, daisuki!!!!