Japanese to English "Rules of the road"

Thread: Japanese to English "Rules of the road"

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  1. ChaoLing said:

    Talking Japanese to English "Rules of the road"

    Please someone translate this...I just love this song...I don't understand the language but it sounds really beautiful.

  2. Dreams~'s Avatar

    Dreams~ said:


    Hi, hi!

    Rojou no RULE - (Rules on the Street - rojou lit. means "on the road")
    by Yutaka Ozaki


    洗いざらいを捨てちまって 何もかもはじめから
    やり直すつもりだったと 街では夢が
    もう どれくらい流れたろう 今じゃ本当の自分
    捜すたび 調和の中で ほら こんがらがってる

    Abandon everything you know right from the start,
    If you've intended for your dreams to start fresh on the street
    For however long you've flowed, now it's your true self
    Each time you search within the harmony, look, you're caught up in it

    互い見すかした笑いの中で 言訳のつくものだけを
    すり替える夜 瞬きの中に 何もかも消えちまう

    There's just an excuse in that smile gazing back at me
    Everything has vanished in the twinkling of stars on this mixed up night

    街の明りの下では 誰もが目を閉じ 闇さまよってる
    あくせく流す汗と 音楽だけは 止むことがなかった
    今夜もともる街の明りに 俺は自分のため息に
    微笑み おまえの笑顔を 捜している

    Underneath the glow of the town, someone shuts their eyes as the darkness lingers
    If your sweat flows fervently, it's just the music unable to stop
    Even this night is lighted in the glow of the town
    I smile within my sigh, as I search for your smiling face

    傷をなめあう ハイエナの道の脇で 転がって
    いったい俺は 何を主張し かかげるのか
    もう自分では 愚かさにすら気付き 諭す事もなく
    欲に意地はりあうことから 降りられない

    I lick my wounds, rolling off the side of Hyena Way*
    What the heck am I hanging around for?
    Already I'm aware it's just stupidity, without warning
    But since I'm mad with desire (or, "greed"), I can't get out of it

    *it sounds strange, but I'm sure the grammar is saying it's a street name, rather than describing him "rolling around like a hyena (in the way of a hyena)"... which sounds just as strange, I guess.

    疲れにむくんだ 顔で笑ってみせる おまえ抱きしめるには
    互い失ってしまうものの方が 多いみたいだけれど

    Even though it seems we've lost so much
    There's a smile on my face, swollen with fatigue, at (the act of) holding you


    河のほとりに とり残された俺は 街の明かりを
    見つめてた 思い出が俺の心を 縛るんだ
    月にくるまり 闇に吠え 償いが俺を
    とらえて縛る そいつに向かって歌った

    Left behind on the river bank, I gaze at the glow of the town
    Memories strangle my heart
    Wrapped up in the moon, howling in the darkness, atonement seizes me
    I face them (all) and sing

    俺がはいつくばるのを待ってる 全ての勝敗のために
    星はやさしく 風に吹かれて 俺は少しだけ笑った

    I'm waiting to go down on hands & knees, for the whole victory or defeat
    The stars gently sway in the wind, and I smile just a bit


    おまえの笑顔を 捜している

    Searching for your smiling face
  3. ChaoLing said:

