norwegian -> english please! ("Som ein baat paa land" lyrics)

Thread: norwegian -> english please! ("Som ein baat paa land" lyrics)

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  1. cidah23 said:

    Default norwegian -> english please! ("Som ein baat paa land" lyrics)

    Eg skriv koss dæ va, for deg ska eg ha!
    Vart berre fleiping og rør alt eg sa.
    Det va so dumt. Reinspikka vås!
    Du kom. So gjikk alt i lås.
    Eg såg eit hav,
    der eg stod som ein båt på land.

    Det va so mangt eg skulde ha sagt,
    om eg hadde ord og makt.
    At du æ som ein vårdags-flaum,
    som ei elv eg såg i ein draum,
    som eit hav.
    Eg kjenne meg mest som ein båt på land.

    Når eg æ i lage med deg
    so bi alle orde burte for meg.
    Som ein tosk står eg og hakka fram eit svar.
    Eg kan 'kji gå, eg tåle 'kji sjå,
    i lage med deg so bi eg so grå.
    Som graset står eg ventande på ein ljå.

    Kom med eit svar! Gjer båtplassen klar!
    Finn ei mast og eit årepar!
    Gje meg eit segl å sigla med,
    no treng eg hjelpa frå deg.
    Eg treng eit hav,
    der eg står som ein båt på land.
  2. ayla said:


    This is a beautiful song, but very difficult to translate. It's in a dialect using frases that can't be directly translated into english. So this translation will be far from perfect, but at least it will give you an idea of the song's content.

    I'm writing was it was like, cause you gotta give me that much. Everything I said turn into jokes and nonsense. It was so stupid, completely meaningless. You came and "everything in me locked up" . I saw an ocean. I stood there like a boat on land.

    There was so much I should have said, if I'd had the words and strenght.
    That you're like a flood in the spring, like a river I saw in a dream. Like an ocean. I feel like a boat on land.

    Give me an answer! Make place for the boat!
    Find a mast an a pair of oars. Give me a sail to sail with, I need your help now. I need an ocean; standing here like a boat on land.

    When I'm together with you, I just can't find the words. Like a fool, I stand there stuttering out an answer. I cannot go, I can't stand to see. In the precense of you I seem so grey(boring). Like the grass I stand waiting for a scythe.

    PS: the lyrics sound way better in Norwegian
  3. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    Thank you very much for your contribution!
    It looks like a difficult song to translate indeed.

    I'll add this to our list of translated songs