SWE-ENG Finntroll - Svartberg

Thread: SWE-ENG Finntroll - Svartberg

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  1. Maegwynn's Avatar

    Maegwynn said:

    Default SWE-ENG Finntroll - Svartberg

    I hope this topic will not be ereased until it uploadet cause all Finntroll lyrics got that anticrist attitude.
    As you see I've tried to tranlate it my self, but there are two words lost and also I think the translation might be a bit clumsy (or partly wrong).

    black mountain

    Norrut längre fram vi drar,
    straightly northwart we go
    vi skola finna det svarta berget
    we should find the black mountain
    Vårt lovade riket underjord,
    our praised land - the underworld
    riket där ingen man sitt fot
    the land no one has entered jet

    Underjorden skall vi förbli
    in the underworld we should stay
    ständigt vi växa i stryrka
    our strenght rises constantly
    Och på den sista dagen stiga vi fram
    and at the last day we will bunch out
    för att ta igen det som en gång var vårt
    to get back what belonget to us

    Ty himmelen förblir svart och röd,
    ** sky stays black and red
    ur askan och elden
    bacause of ashes and fire
    Stiga vi än en gång fram
    once again we will bunch out
    vi från da svarta bergen
    from the black mountain

    Norrut längre fram vi drar,
    straightly northwart we go
    vi skola finna det svarta berget
    we should find the black mountain
    Vårt lovade riket underjord,
    our praised land - the underworld
    riket där ingen man sitt fot
    the land no one has entered jet

    Så följ mig till trollkungens tron
    accompany me to the trollkings throne
    kom an kom an med svärd i hand
    come along, come along with a sword in your hand
    här frodas ingen felaktig tro
    here grows no wrong belief
    här skall inte vitekrist få nån ro
    here should no ** find calmness

    Här sitter han på sin tron
    here he sitson his throne
    Här styr han med eld och stål
    here he reigns with fire and steel
  2. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Actually, your translation is very good.

    As for the "lost words"....

    Ty himmelen förblir svart och röd
    For skies remain black and red

    här skall inte vitekrist få nån ro
    Here shall no Christian find any peace

    P.S. I'd also say "Far northwards"...

    Far northwards we draw
    We shall find the black mountain
    Our promised land, underground kingdom
    Kingdom where no man's laid his foot
    It's funnier in Enochian
  3. Maegwynn's Avatar

    Maegwynn said:


    Thanks very much for your help (and your laud).

    So there is one question left: if vitekrist only means christian why the songwriter do not use the word krist. why vitekrist?
  4. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Vite Krist (White Christ) is what Jesus was called in early Scandinavian times.
    It's funnier in Enochian
  5. Maegwynn's Avatar

    Maegwynn said:


    Thanks again ^^
    So I don't need to wonder why I didn't find it in any dictionary I unsed.