For those who likes danish music :) RAsmus Seebach - Den jeg er*

Thread: For those who likes danish music :) RAsmus Seebach - Den jeg er*

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  1. Muligvis said:

    Default For those who likes danish music :) RAsmus Seebach - Den jeg er*

    Just came across this danish songs who just went straight to my heart

    <b>Rasmus Seebach - Den jeg er (</b>

    I've translated it for you all ..

    Rasmus Seebach - Den jeg er // Who I Am

    Josefine // Josephine
    Det hedder Nico's lille pige // That's the name of Nicolai's little girl
    Her er et billede af dit barnebarn // Here's a picture of your granddaughter
    Og Hønsepigen // And the Hengirl (nickname)
    Nu har hun fået 12 igen // She's got 12 (A+) again
    Ja jeg ved ikke hvor hun har det fra // Yeah, I don't know who she get that's from

    Det tog mig 29 år // It took my 29 years
    Men jeg fatter det nu // But I get it now
    Nu har jeg gjort lige hvad du sagde jeg sku' // And now I've done exactly what you told me to
    "Syng knægt, bare syng!" // "Sing boy, just sing!"
    Og det gjorde jeg så // And so I did
    Kan du høre mig? // Can you hear me?

    Jeg lukker mine øjne, // I close my eyes
    og jeg hører dig sige // And I hear you say
    Passer du godt på Mor, Nicolai og Marie? // Do you take good care of Mom, Nicolai and Marie?
    Ja, Far. Det gør jeg // Yes, Dad. I do.
    Og vi har det godt // And we're okay

    Og du behøver ikke sige undskyld // And you don't have to say "I'm sorry"
    For du har gjort mig til den jeg er // Because you made me into who I am
    Lov mig, du må ikke sige undskyld // Promise me, that you wont say "I'm sorry"
    Du har gjort mig til den jeg er, den jeg er // Cause you've made me into who I am, who I am

    Selvom Mor hun som altid knokler // Even though Mom always work hard
    Ja, så skal hun også nå at købe blomster // Yes, she has to buy flowers
    Og hun sætter dem på din grav // And she put them on your grave
    Her ser så fint ud // It looks so pretty here

    Mor's nye ven han er god nok // Mom's new friend, he's allright
    Han ved, // He knows
    at du er hendes helt store kærlighed // That you are her big love
    Men de hygger sig, hygger sig // But they are enjoying each other, enjoying each other

    Det tog mig 29 år // It took me 29 years
    Men jeg fatter det nu // But I get it now
    Nu har jeg gjort lige hvad du sagde jeg sku' // And now I've done exactly what you've told me to
    "Syng knægt, bare syng!" // "Sing boy, just sing!"
    Og det gjorde jeg så // And so I did
    Kan du høre mig? // Can you hear me?

    Ned ad Frederiksbergs Allé // Going down at Frederiksbergs Allé
    Lægger vejen forbi // Passing you by
    Hilser dig fra Mor, Nicolai og Marie // Saying hi from Mom, Nicolai and Marie
    Vi savner dig hver dag // We miss you everyday
    Men vi har det godt

    Og du behøver ikke sige undskyld // And you don't have to say "I'm sorry"
    For du har gjort mig til den jeg er // Because you made me into who I am
    Lov mig, du må ikke sige undskyld // Promise me, that you wont say "I'm sorry"
    Du har gjort mig til den jeg er, den jeg er // Cause you've made me into who I am, who I am

    Jeg ved godt at du siger der er helt sort // I know that you say it's all dark
    Men jeg drømmer, jeg håber og jeg tror // But I dream, think and believe
    At vi allesammen ses på den anden side // That we will all meet on the other side
    Jeg ved godt at du siger der er helt sort // I know that you say it's all dark
    Men jeg drømmer, jeg håber og jeg tror // But I dream, think and believe
    At vi allesammen ses på den anden side // That we will all meet on the other side

    Og du behøver ikke sige undskyld // And you don't have to say "I'm sorry"
    For du har gjort mig til den jeg er // Because you made me into who I am
    Lov mig, du må ikke sige undskyld // Promise me, that you wont say "I'm sorry"
    Du har gjort mig til den jeg er, den jeg er // Cause you've made me into who I am, who I am
  2. lalalaro said:


    Such a sweet song!! Thank you, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have listened to it!
    Kipu on rakkautta, rakkaus on kipua.
  3. Aabenbart said:


    Thanks for posting.
    - Der er nogle grammatiske fejl - meget dansk/engelsk oversat - men folk forstår det meste af det :-)
  4. Muligvis said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Aabenbart View Post
    Thanks for posting.
    - Der er nogle grammatiske fejl - meget dansk/engelsk oversat - men folk forstår det meste af det :-)
    Jamen du retter bare
  5. voyagerprouty said:


    Does anyone know where to find translations of Rasmus Seebach's other songs? All I seem to find are "Den jeg er" and "Engel". I can't be the only person who doesn't know Danish who listens to him.
  6. Muligvis said:


    Quote Originally Posted by voyagerprouty View Post
    Does anyone know where to find translations of Rasmus Seebach's other songs? All I seem to find are "Den jeg er" and "Engel". I can't be the only person who doesn't know Danish who listens to him.
    He only has 3 singles out at the moment; Engel, Den jeg er and Glad Igen. Maybe that's why you weren't able to find any other translations of him. But just post them on here, i'll be happy to translate them for you.
  7. Chatoyant said:


    That is just one beautiful song! I'm not a really big fan of Rasmus Seebach, but this song instantly gave me a lump in my throat. I've lost my dad as well (in fact the same year as Tommy Seebach passed away) and I can totally relate to what he's singing. He's got a beautiful voice, and the live version of this song is even better.

    Cool to know that none Danish speaking people listen to this kind of music.
  8. Ibber said:

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Chatoyant View Post
    That is just one beautiful song! I'm not a really big fan of Rasmus Seebach, but this song instantly gave me a lump in my throat. I've lost my dad as well (in fact the same year as Tommy Seebach passed away) and I can totally relate to what he's singing. He's got a beautiful voice, and the live version of this song is even better.

    Cool to know that none Danish speaking people listen to this kind of music.
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