Help translating Voltaj lyrics?

Thread: Help translating Voltaj lyrics?

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  1. ShirujiChan said:

    Red face Help translating Voltaj lyrics?

    I'm new to this site, but I found the lyrics for Toamna'n 2 and tried to translate it with an online dictionary and that didn't seem to work too well.

    Could anyone help me with an English translation of Toamna'n 2? I'd be very happy~!
  2. dya said:


    Voltaj - Toamna-n 2--Autumn in two

    De n-ar fi fost ceatza ai fi vazut ca te iubeam
    If it hadn't been fog you'd have seen that I loved you
    De n-ar fi fost frig ai fi simtit cum tremuram
    If it hadn't been cold, you'd have felt how I was shivering
    De n-ar fi fost ploaia ai fi stiut ca plangeam
    If it hadn't been rain, you'd have known that I was crying
    Si-ai mai fi stat...
    And you'd have stayed a little more.....
    Dar a fost ceatza, frig si ploaie si-ai plecat...
    But it was fog, cold and rain and you left

    Erai ingerul meu, m-ajutai sa nu ma pierd
    You used to be my angel, you were helping me not to lose myself
    Erai ca picatura de ploaie din desert
    You were like the rain drop in the desert
    Oare cum s-aduc inapoi ultima toamna-n doi ?
    I wonder how can I bring back the last autumn in two?

    De n-ar fi fost noapte m-ai fi vazut cum te priveam
    If it hadn't been night, you'd have seen me how I was looking at you
    De n-ar fi fost vant ai fi stiut ca te chemam
    If it hadn't been wind, you'd have known that I was calling you
    De n-ar fi fost rece ai fi simtit cat te doream
    If it hadn't been cold, you'd have felt how much I wanted(desired) you
    Si-ai mai fi stat...
    And you'd have stayed a little more
    Dar a fost noapte, vant si rece si-ai plecat...
    But it was night, wind and cold and you left....
  3. ShirujiChan said:


    Aww that is such beautiful lyrics!
    Thank you so much for translating!!!
  4. dya said:


    You're welcome Indeed, beautiful lyrics