english to romanian

Thread: english to romanian

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  1. alguien said:

    Default english to romanian

    I love you...
    I love your smile, because make me smile,
    I love your stare, because in it, I see everything that you are...
    I love each bit of you, because you make part of me...

    I love you...
    I love your personality , that give me will of share with you each moment of my life...
    I love the way how you embrace me, how you kiss me...
    I love to know that I can always count with you and that you will count with me...
    I love to share with you litle moments that mean everything to me...
    I love to remind the first stare, the first word, the first touch...
    I love to think about the future and know that you will be in it...
    I love, love, love... Today I wish only say that I love you my sweet angel...
    And when I'm with you...everything is perfect...when I'm embraced to you and I close my eyes, I know that I am safe...
    ...And I think to me:...I love you...

    Hi. How I say this in romanian?
  2. Lady_A said:


    Te iubesc...
    Iubesc zambetul tau pentru ca ma face sa zambesc
    Iubesc privirea ta, pentru ca in ea, vad tot ceea ce esti...
    Iubesc fiecare particica din tine, pentru ca tu faci parte din mine...

    Te iubesc...
    Iubesc personalitatea ta, care ma face sa-mi doresc sa impart cu tine fiecare moment din viata mea...
    Iubesc felul in care ma imbratisezi, felul in care ma saruti...
    Iubesc sa stiu ca pot conta pe tine si ca tu vei conta pe mine
    Iubesc sa impartasesc cu tine mici momente care inseamna totul pentru mine...
    Iubesc sa-mi amintesc prima privire, primul cuvant, prima atingere...
    Iubesc, iubesc, iubesc...Azi imi doresc doar sa-ti spun ca te iubesc ingerasul meu scump...
    Si ca atunci cand sunt cu tine...totul e perfect...cand suntem imbratisati si inchid ochii, stiu ca sunt in siguranta...
    ...Si gandesc ca: ...Te iubesc....
  3. alguien said:


    Thank you Lady A. Kiss
  4. Lady_A said:


    Welcome, and by the way, beautiful words