I saw Mizz B posted twice this but nobody answered and the posts are colosed now, so I corrected the lyrics and translated them, maybe there are more who want them.

Denisa & F. Salam- Vrei sa minti dar nu-i usor (You wanna lie but it's not easy)


Ahaaaaaaaaaa Denisa, Florin Salam si Modjo (Ahaaaa Denisa, Florin Salam and Modjo)
Pentru 2007,(For 2007)
Se poate....(It can be)
Ink un hit care va da pe spate....(Another hit that will knock you out)

Vrei sa minti dar nu'i usor,(You wanna lie but it's not easy)
Ochii tai te dau de gol,(Your eyes betray you)
Hai spune daca de ea iti este dor,(Come on say if you miss her)
Nu stii ce greu imi va fi,(You don't know how hard it will be for me)
Daca ai sa pleci si nu mai vii,(If you leave and you don't come back)
Cat de mult as vrea eu nu te pot opri.(How much I wish, I can't stop you)

Ce sa mai cred,(What should I believe)
Pe cine sa aleg,(Who should I choose)
Ca nici pe tine nu vreau sa te pierd.(Cause I don't wanna lose you)

Imi ascunzi ceva,(You're hiding something from me)
Dar stiu ca nici tu nu ai vrea,(But I know that neither do you want)
Ascunde'mi orice,(Hide from me anything)
Dar sa nu'mi iei dragostea,(But don't take away my love)
Si orice ar fi din suflet eu te voi iubi,(And whatever it will be, I will love you with all my heart)
Dar te rog nu ma parasi.(But please don't leave me)


Eu astept din clipa in clipa,(I'm waiting from moment to moment)
Sa ma lasi nefericita,(For you to leave me miserable)
Si sa'mi spui ca nu mai sunt a ta iubita,(And to tell me that I'm not your girlfriend anymore)
Au inceput visele,(Dreams have begun)
Sa'mi tulbure noptile,(To disturb my nights)
Voi ramane doar cu amintirile.(I'll have only memories left)

Ce sa mai cred,(What should I believe)
Pe cine sa aleg,(Who should I choose)
Ca nici pe tine nu vreau sa te pierd.(Cause not even you I don't wanna lose)

Imi ascunzi ceva,(You're hiding something from me)
Dar stiu ca nici tu nu ai vrea,(But I know that neither do you want)
Ascunde'mi orice,(Hide from me anything)
Dar sa nu'mi iei dragostea,(But don't take away my love)
Si orice ar fi din suflet eu te voi iubi,(And whatever it will be, I will love you with all my heart)
Dar te rog nu ma parasi.(But please don't leave me)

Tu spui ce gandesti,(You say what you think)
Dar nu gandesti ce spui,(But you don't think what you say)
Parca de mine te feresti,(It seems that you're avoiding me)
Cred ca imi ascunzi ceva,(I think you're hiding something from me)
Si pentru asta ai sa platesti,(And you'll pay for that)
Iti place sa te joci cu mine,(You like playing with me)
Dar nu e bine,(But that's not good)
Sa faci ce'ti convine,(To do what you want)
Vad k imi ascunzi ceva,(I can see you're hiding something from me)
Despre inima ta,(About your heart)
Nu mai vrea cu mine,(It doesn't want me)
Vad in a ta privire,(I can see it in your look)
Spune iubirea mea dak ai de spus ceva (Say, my love, if you have something to say)
nu mai ....(don't...)

Ce sa mai cred,(What should I believe)
Pe cine sa aleg,(Who should I choose)
Ca nici pe tine nu vreau sa te pierd.(Cause not even you I don't wanna lose)

Imi ascunzi ceva,(You're hiding something from me)
Dar stiu ca nici tu nu ai vrea,(But I know that neither do you want)
Ascunde'mi orice,(Hide from me anything)
Dar sa nu'mi iei dragostea,(But don't take away my love)
Si orice ar fi din suflet eu te voi iubi,(And whatever it will be, I will love you with all my heart)
Dar te rog nu ma parasi.(But please don't leave me)