Natalia Barbu - Suflet Gol and *

Thread: Natalia Barbu - Suflet Gol and *

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  1. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:

    Default Natalia Barbu - Suflet Gol and *

    can someone help me please translait this song into english please ?
  2. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:


    and this one please into english
  3. Lady_A said:


    Suflet gol - Empty soul

    Nu stiu cum s-a intamplat
    I don't know how it happened
    Timpul de ne-a furat
    How time stole from us
    Tot ce aveam, nici macar n-a intrebat
    Everything we had, it didn't even ask
    Caci atunci cand m-atingi
    Because when you touch me
    Parca nu esti aici
    It's like you're not here
    Si mi-e greu
    And it's hard
    Prea usor te-ai schimbat
    You've changed too easily
    Poate te-am sufocat
    Maybe I've soffocated you
    Poate n-am spus ce voiai sa auzi
    Maybe I didn't say what you wanted to hear
    Dar nu pot sa-nteleg
    But I cannot understand
    Acum chiar nu mai stiu cine esti.
    Now I really don't know who you are anymore

    Chiar nu vezi ca eu sufar din nou
    Can't you see I'm hurting again
    Doar sa adorm langa sufletul tau
    Just to fall asleep next to your soul
    Caci eu mor zi de zi cand nu esti
    That I'm dying every day when you're not here
    Nici nu-ti pasa daca ma mai gasesti
    You don't even care if you find me anymore.

    Totul e gol, cand nu esti
    Everything is empty when you're not here
    Iar eu ma sting stiind ca nu ma iubesti
    And I fade knowing that you don't love me anymore
    Eu am gresit cu noi doi
    I was wrong about us
    Si lacrimi nu te mai aduc inapoi,
    And my tears won't bring you back anymore
    Iar viata mea, a ajuns
    And my life has become
    Doar un loc unde vise-am ascuns
    Just the place where I've hidden my dreams.

    Nu vreau sa-ti mai explic
    I don't want to explain it to you anymore
    Nu vreau sa-mi spui nimic
    I don't want you to say anything to me
    N-am sa mai plang,
    I won't cry anymore
    E deja mult prea mult
    It's already way too much
    Visele am sa-mi strang
    I will gather my dreams
    Si am sa mi le-arunc
    And I'll throw them
    Printre nori
    Among the clouds

    Chiar nu vezi ca eu sufar din nou
    Can't you see I'm hurting again
    Doar sa adorm langa sufletul tau
    Just to fall asleep next to your soul
    Caci eu mor zi de zi cand nu esti
    That I'm dying every day when you're not here
    Nici nu-ti pasa daca ma mai gasesti
    You don't even care if you find me anymore.

    Totul e gol, cand nu esti
    Everything is empty when you're not here
    Iar eu ma sting stiind ca nu ma iubesti
    And I fade knowing that you don't love me anymore
    Eu am gresit cu noi doi
    I was wrong about us
    Si lacrimi nu te mai aduc inapoi,
    And my tears won't bring you back anymore
    Iar viata mea, a ajuns
    And my life has become
    Doar un loc unde vise-am ascuns
    Just the place where I've hidden my dreams.

    Totul e gol, cand nu esti
    Everything is empty when you're not here
    Iar eu ma sting stiind ca nu ma iubesti
    And I fade knowing that you don't love me anymore
    Eu am gresit cu noi doi
    I was wrong about us
    Si lacrimi nu te mai aduc inapoi,
    And my tears won't bring you back anymore
    Iar viata mea, a ajuns
    And my life has become
    Doar un loc unde vise-am ascuns
    Just the place where I've hidden my dreams.
  4. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:


    thank you . can you transait this one to into english ?
  5. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:


    and do you know were i can find mp3 for suflet gol ?
  6. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:

    Default here's the song suflet gol