Corectări, vă rog!*

Thread: Corectări, vă rog!*

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  1. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:

    Default Corectări, vă rog!*

    Am 2 căntece de Keo şi unul scurt de Suie Paparude. Mersi anticipat!

    1) "Dispari"
    "You disappear

    Eu te cunosc ,eu te am mai vazut
    I know you, I have seen you more(?)
    Deseori in gand ,dar nu te cunosc
    Often in my mind, but I don't know you
    Tu ai disparut , …
    You disappeared
    Risipita n vant
    Dissipated in the wind

    Esti k un mister , vii sa imi zambesti
    You're like a mystery, you come to smile at me
    In gand mereu ,caut un reper
    In my mind, I always look for a bench-mark
    Nu stiu cine esti , te porti asa firesc
    I don't know who you are, I carry you so naturally
    Ma obsedezi , innebunesc
    You haunt me, I go crazy

    Refren :
    You disappear
    Nu existi
    You don't exist
    Ma distrugi
    You destroy me
    Nu rezisti
    You can't resist
    Tu aprinzi
    You set fire
    Tot ce’i mai bun intre noi
    All is better between us
    Ne completam amandoi ( x2 )
    We complete each other(?)

    Tresarind in somn ,intr un vis ciudat
    Twitching in sleep, in a strange dream
    M’am impotmolit , nu mai pot misca
    I got stuck in the mud, I can't move anymore
    M’ai inconjurat….
    You surrounded me
    Nu pot sa te gonesc din mintea mea
    I can't banish you from my mind
    I go crazy

    2) "As vrea sa stii"
    "I'd like you to know"

    Nu stiu nici cum, nici cand e bine
    I don't even know how, nor when it's good
    Poate acum langa tine sa-ti spun ceva
    Maybe now near you I tell you something
    La ce gandesc, dar nu as vrea sa ma grabesc.
    about what I think, but I wouldn't like to hurry myself

    Nu stiu cum sa fac sa-ti spun mai frumos
    I don't know how to tell you more beautifully
    Ca sa nu-ti para mincinos
    that it seems deceptive to you
    Dar eu n-o sa tac si azi am decis
    But I won't shut up & today I decided
    Sa-ti zic ce-am de zis.
    To say to you what I have to say

    As vrea sa stii ca mi-ai placut din prima zi
    I'd like you to know that I liked you from the first day
    Cand te-am vazut n-am indraznit si am tacut
    When I saw you I didn't fall in love/we fell in love & I shut up
    As vrea sa stii...
    I'd like you to know

    Dac-as jura poate nu-ti place si-ai prefera sa-ti dau pace
    If I'd swear, maybe you don't like it & you preferred for me to give you peace(?)
    Dar eu, nebun, chiar daca taci,
    But I, crazy, even if you shut up,
    Iti spun si-ti spun cat de mult imi placi.
    I tell you & I tell you how much I like you

    Daca in prima zi vremea a trecut
    If on the first day the time has passed
    Nu simti nimic ca la inceput
    You don't feel like at the beginning
    Si fie ce-o fi, ca vrei, ca nu vrei
    & it's to what it is(?), that you want, that you don't want
    Eu mi-am zis OK.
    I told myself "OK"

    3) "Pentru inimi"
    "For hearts"

    pentru ca sunetul ajunge
    because the sound takes over
    din difuzoare pana-n sange
    from the speakers till in (our) blood
    pentru ca inima ta moare
    because your heart dies
    atunci cand sunetul dispare
    when the sound disappears
  2. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    1) "Dispari"/"disappear"

    Eu te cunosc ,eu te am mai vazut
    I know you, I have seen you before
    Deseori in gand ,dar nu te cunosc
    Often in my mind, but I don't know you
    Tu ai disparut , …
    You have disappeared
    Risipita n vant
    Dissipated in the wind

    Esti k un mister , vii sa imi zambesti
    You're like a mystery, you come to smile to me
    In gand mereu ,caut un reper
    In my mind, I always look for a bench-mark
    Nu stiu cine esti , te porti asa firesc
    I don't know who you are, you act so naturally
    Ma obsedezi , innebunesc
    You haunt me, I go crazy

    Refren :
    (You) disappear
    Nu existi
    You don't exist
    Ma distrugi
    You destroy me[/B]
    Nu rezisti
    You can't resist
    Tu aprinzi
    You set fire
    Tot ce’i mai bun intre noi
    All is better between us
    Ne completam amandoi ( x2 )
    We complete each other

    Tresarind in somn ,intr un vis ciudat
    Twitching in sleep, in a strange dream
    M’am impotmolit , nu mai pot misca
    I got stuck in the mud, I can't move anymore
    M’ai inconjurat….
    You surrounded me
    Nu pot sa te gonesc din mintea mea
    I can't banish you from my mind
    I go crazy

    2) "As vrea sa stii"
    "I'd like you to know"

    Nu stiu nici cum, nici cand e bine
    I don't even know how, nor when it's good
    Poate acum langa tine sa-ti spun ceva
    Maybe now near you I tell you something
    La ce gandesc, dar nu as vrea sa ma grabesc.
    about what I think, but I wouldn't like to hurry myself

    Nu stiu cum sa fac sa-ti spun mai frumos
    I don't know how to tell you more beautifully
    Ca sa nu-ti para mincinos
    so that it doesn't seems deceptive to you
    Dar eu n-o sa tac si azi am decis
    But I won't shut up & today I decided
    Sa-ti zic ce-am de zis.
    To say to you what I have to say

    As vrea sa stii ca mi-ai placut din prima zi
    I'd like you to know that I liked you from the first day
    Cand te-am vazut n-am indraznit si am tacut
    When I saw you I didn't dare & I shut up
    As vrea sa stii...
    I'd like you to know

    Dac-as jura poate nu-ti place si-ai prefera sa-ti dau pace
    If I'd swear, maybe you won't like it & you would preferre for me to give you some peace
    Dar eu, nebun, chiar daca taci,
    But I, crazy, even if you shut up,
    Iti spun si-ti spun cat de mult imi placi.
    I tell you & I tell you how much I like you

    Daca in prima zi vremea a trecut
    If on the first day the time has passed
    Nu simti nimic ca la inceput
    You don't feel anything like at the beginning
    Si fie ce-o fi, ca vrei, ca nu vrei
    & it's to what it is, that you want, that you don't want
    Eu mi-am zis OK.
    I told myself "OK"

    3) "Pentru inimi"
    "For hearts"

    pentru ca sunetul ajunge
    because the sound reaches
    din difuzoare pana-n sange
    from the speakers till in (our) blood
    pentru ca inima ta moare
    because your heart dies
    atunci cand sunetul dispare
    when the sound disappears[/QUOTE]
  3. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


  4. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:

    Default :)

    Quote Originally Posted by DeBaires View Post
    u welcome..there were just a few..nice work
  5. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Haha, mersi mult
  6. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    HEllo dear friend, thanks for asking, my extra opinion !
    Therefore, help is on it's way :

    1. I don't agree with this :
    Tot ce’i mai bun intre noi
    All is better between us this mean -> Totul e mai bine între noi
    So it should have been, according to me,
    All that is best between us, don't u agree? ( What about you[b/ioana[/b]?)

    2. M’am impotmolit , nu mai pot misca
    I got stuck in the mud, I can't move anymore
    - - - Here my friend, you don't have to add" the mud" ( cause it doesn't specify " în noroi (=in the mud) ok?
    I got stuck, I can't....

    3.Cand te-am vazut n-am indraznit si am tacut
    When I saw you I didn't dare & I shut up
    I think it would be more fit to say:
    Cand te-am vazut n-am indraznit si am tacut
    When I saw you I didn't dare & I kept silent

    Dac-as jura poate nu-ti place si-ai prefera sa-ti dau pace
    If I'd swear, maybe you don't like it & you preferred for me to give you peace(?)
    - - - We are not talking here about the 'peace of the soul' or 'peace from the priest'
    a da pace = to leave somebody alone, to live it be..
    So it would be - > f I'd swear, maybe you don't like it & you might prefere for me to leave you alone

    Si fie ce-o fi, ca vrei, ca nu vrei
    & it's to what it is(?), that you want, that you don't want
    And be what it is, that you...

    The rest is just dandy
    Really, you don't stop to amaze me , you improve i guess in every second
    Eres muy intelligente amigo mio!
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  7. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Thank you both so much for the corrections!