Anna Lesko Lyrics Please*

Thread: Anna Lesko Lyrics Please*

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  1. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:

    Default Anna Lesko Lyrics Please*

    I was just skimming through Youtube, and I came upon Anna Lesko.

    And let's just say, I fell inlove with her! (and not just her looks , ok 90% looks.. i'm only human!!)

    So, could somone Translate these songs from RO to EN please?

    Anna Lesko - 24
    Anna Lesko - 100 Dorinte
    Anna Lesko - Aniycka Maya

    (and Possibly **i know its in the wrong place, but I dont know where else to ger her mp3 - if someone could send me the MP3 of 100 Dorinte, and Aniycka maya.. please??)

    Thank you soooo much!!!!
    Romanians ROCK!!
  2. dya said:


    I don't have time now, but a little later I'll take care of this, if nobody else translates the songs till then.

    And I'll look for the songs and send them to you
  3. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    Anna Lesko - 24

    Prea serios iau azi viata - Im taking the life to serious today
    Langa tine n-am motive sa fiu trista deloc - Next to you i have no reason to be sad
    Doar tu-mi aduci dimineata,petale de flori - Only u bring me the morning, petals of flowers
    Si roua din zori - And the sunrise dew

    Si-n ganduri iti strecori,imagini ce le-adori - And in thoughts u slink , images that u adore
    Si vrei de la mine,ce vreau de la tine! - And u want from me , what i want from u
    Si nu mai am control,tu joci parca un rol - And i dont have control anymore , u seem to play a role
    Ai tot ce vreau,iubire,ai,ai,ai ! - U have everything i want , love, u have , u have , u have

    24 e numarul ce-mi place, - 24 is the number that i like
    Atatea ore pe zi te-as strange-n brate - So many hours per day i would hold u in my arms
    24 e ora care-mi place, - 24 is the hour that i like
    Hai cu mine,vreau sa-mi dai sperante ! - Come with me , i want u to give me hopes

    Noi doi,iubi iubi,noi doi - we 2 , baby baby, we 2
    E noaptea albastra - Is the blue night
    E noaptea noastra - Is our night

    Esti ca o ploaie de vara - U are like a summer rain
    Stii sa m-atingi atunci cand sufletul - U know how to touch me when the soul
    Imi arde de dor,senzatii tari ma-ncearca - Burns because of longing , intense sensations are trying me
    Prezenta ta mi-aduce fiori - Ur presence brings me thrills

    Anna Lesko - 1001 Dorinte - 1001 wishes

    Azi ai dreptul la o dorinta - Today u have the right to 1 wish
    Azi vezi cerul prin ochii mei - Today u see the sky through my eyes
    Si simti ,cum un nor ne alinta - And u feel, how a cloud it allows us
    Mai vrea.. cum si tu spui ca vrei - Wants more , like u say that u want

    Scumpy hai hai hai - Honey come come come
    Vreau sa mi spui,Ca nu visez - I want u to tell me that im not dreaming
    Iar daca da,sper sa nu ma trezesc - And if i do , i hope i dont wake up
    Hai haiHai recunosc iubitul meu - Come come come i admit my darling
    cum mana ta cunoaste trupul meu - How ur hand knows my body

    Zambesti ca soarele dupa ploaie - U are smiling like sun after rain
    Traiesti fiecare moment - U are living every moment
    Ma aduci mai aproape de stele - U bring me closer to the stars
    Mai vreau..nopti imbracate in mister - I want more nights dressed in mistery

    Ma gandesc la tine si zambesc - Im thinking about u and i smile
    Cand te vad stiu pentru ce traiesc - When i see u i know what im living for
    O mie si una dorinte - 1001 wishes
    Tot atatea nopti fierbinti dor - So many hot nights , of longing
    Ma topesc usor.. - I melt slowly

    Anna Lesko - Anycka maya

    Te privesc, tu nu vrei sa vezi - Im watching u , u dont want to believe me
    Te doresc, tu nu vrei sa crezi - I want u , u dont want to believe me
    Te ascunzi, incerc sa cedez - U hide , im trying to give in
    Iti arat ce ai putea sa pierzi - I show u what u could lose

    Hop hop hop
    Se leaga o idila - An idyll starts
    Hop hop hop
    Spune-mi ce va fi cand vom fi doi - Tell me what will happen when we will be 2
    Hop hop hop
    Dimineata ne cheama - The morning is calling us

    Noaptea intreaba de tine - Night is asking for u
    Te vrea langa mine, Anycka Maya - Wants u by my side Anycka Maya
    Te privesc in nestire - Im watching you
    Nu ma pot abtine - I cant abstain
    Esti ispita mea - U are my temptation
    Hai, stiu ca-ti place - Come i know u like it
    Strange-ma in brate - Hold me in ur arms
    Arata-mi tot ce gandesti - Show me everything u think about
    Hai, stiu ca-ti place - Come i know u like it
    Nu-mi da sperante - Dont give me hopes
    Fara sa-mi spui ce-ti doresti - Without telling me what u want

    Tu ma faci sa zbor - U make me fly
    Cand imi dai - When u give me
    Un sarut usor si spui 'Mai stai' - A kiss and u tell me "stay more"
    Te ador cand esti visator - I adore u when u are dreaming
    Cu mii de nopti esti dator - with thousands of nights u are indebted
  4. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    kmmy thank you sooo much!!!!!!
    you are simple amazing!!!
  5. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    and thank you dya for looking for the mp3 and going to send them to me!!

    thank you so much!!!
    your amazing also!
  6. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    no problem glad i could help
  7. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    hey dya, I searched and searched and I found the mp3
    Last edited by PROPEL; 09-12-2008 at 11:24 PM.