Refrenul dulcilor povesti*

Thread: Refrenul dulcilor povesti*

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  1. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:

    Default Refrenul dulcilor povesti*

    hey can someone please write the lyrics to this song and also the english translation for this song? sorry i couldn't find the lyrics
    Last edited by Katina; 09-23-2008 at 03:54 AM. Reason: .
  2. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    K I tried my best to write some of the lyrics, most are probably wrong, keep in mind I don't speak a word of romanian and aren't sure of the spelling in most of the words, so please don't laugh lol

    "Refrenul dulcilor povesti"

    Ca de la cum de la odata printi
    Lume in a isi acum de cata
    Iar dupa ce-si ca nu de printi
    .......................dupa mine, dupa mine
    Iar eu pe tine te-asteptam

    Tu imi spune ai ca timpul vine
    De unde eu.................uit
    Ca maine
    A zile care-i a trecut esti acolo, doar esti
    Iar fi canta.........tara solo, solo, solo
    Refrenul dulcilor povesti

    Si daca tine
    Iar tu de mine de.....
    Inseamna ca tu n-ai rusine
    Ori ai dar....................
    Te dulci aminte cand o floare disparut si taci
    Pe mine si-acum ma doare tare, tare
    Dar ce sa fac daca imi placi

    Ca de la cum de la odata printi
    Lume in a isi acum de cata
    Iar nu de printi
    Last edited by Katina; 09-23-2008 at 04:13 AM. Reason: .
  3. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    here you have it, I'm sorry for the first line, i have no idea what she is saying there, if anyone has any idea, is welcome to correct me

    "Refrenul dulcilor povesti"
    " The Chorus of the dulcet tales"

    Ca de la candelă odată
    As once from a night lamp
    O stea in ceruri s-a aprins
    A star set light in the skies
    Lumina ei şi acum te cată
    Her light is still seeking for you
    Iar tu precis că nu te-ai prins
    And you surely have no idea
    Purtam rochiţă cu buline
    i was wearing a dress with bubbles
    Şi ochelari pe nas purtam
    And sun-glasses on my nose was i wearing
    Fugeau băieţii după mine..după mine,iar eu pe tine te aşteptam
    Boys were running after me..after me, and i was waiting for you

    Tu spuneai că timpul vine
    You were saying that time will come
    De unde eu să fi ştiut
    How was I to know
    că astăzi e ziua de măine
    That today is the day of tomorrow
    A zilei care a trecut
    Of the day that passed
    Să fi ştiut că eşti acolo
    To have known that you are there
    Acolo unde acum nu eşti
    Where you are not now
    Ne-ar fi cāntat chitara solo, solo , solo
    The guitar would have sung for us solo, solo, solo
    Refrenul dulcilor poveşti...
    The chorus of the dulcet tales

    Iar dacă eu te căt pe tine
    And if i seek for you
    Şi tu de mine te fereşti
    And you keep away from me
    Īnseamnă că tu n-ai ruşine
    It means that you have no shame
    Ori ai dar nu ţi-o foloseşti
    Either you have but you don't use it
    Īţi aduci aminte cānd o floare (ţi-aduci aminte ...)
    * ţi-aduci = īţi aduci, it's like in english with -> did not = didn't )
    Do you remember when a flower
    Mi-ai dat , ai dispărut şi taci
    You gave me, you disappeared and you stay quiet
    Pe mine şi acum mă doare , tare, tare
    It hurts me even know, very much, much
    Dar ce să fac dacă te plac
    But what can i do if i like you

    Ca de la candelă odată
    As once from a night lamp
    O stea in ceruri s-a aprins
    A star set light in the skies
    Lumina ei şi acum te cată
    her light is still seeking for you
    Iar tu precis că nu te-ai prins
    And you surely have no idea
    Last edited by tigress_tim; 09-24-2008 at 03:57 PM.
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  4. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    thanks just one thing, I thought "povesti" meant story?.
    If anyone can figure out the very first line that would be very helpful thanks again
  5. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Yes povesti = stories ( poveste = story, povesti = stories)
    And what i wrote 'tales' = povestiri. - it's the same anyway
    I just found it more 'poetical ' to write tales

    U'r welcome !
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  6. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    oh, i see, thanks for clearing that up
  7. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Ok, I edited my post Check it out
    Also if u will notice i made some changes in the second line too, for the 1st line to have meaning
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "