Vama - Dumnezeu nu apare la stiri*

Thread: Vama - Dumnezeu nu apare la stiri*

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  1. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:

    Default Vama - Dumnezeu nu apare la stiri*

    Can you pls correct translation and diacritics? This song was quite difficult for me... Thanks in advance.

    Dumnezeu nu apare la stiri
    God doesn’t appear on the news

    Dumnezeu nu apare la stiri
    God doesn’t appear on the news
    Dumnezeu nu omoara delfini
    God doesn’t kill dolphins
    Dumnezeu n-are Vis Nuclear
    God doesn’t have the nuclear dream
    Dumnezeu nu topeşte Gheţari
    God doesn’t melt the glaciers

    Dumnezeu n-a votat-n Senat
    God hasn't voted in Senate
    Dumnezeu n-a luptat în Irak
    God hasn’t fought in Irak
    Prea ocupaţi cu distrugerea lumii oamenii sunt
    People are too busy destroying the world
    Pe Dumnezeu nu-l ia nimeni în seamă aici pe Pamânt
    That God doesn’t take anybody into account here on earth

    Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
    God let us…
    Ne-a lasat să ne facem de cap
    He let us act foolish

    Pe Iisus l-au făcut Superstar
    They’ve made Jesus a superstar
    Pe Dumnezeu l-au tiparit pe dolar
    They’ve printed God on the dolars
    Religia e marketing de război
    Religion is a marketing war
    Oamenii-şi fac cruce dar privesc în gol
    They cross people but they look at the emptiness*

    Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
    God let us…
    Ne-a lasat să ne facem de cap
    He let us act foolish

    [Fără Credinţă corabia Umana rataceşte prin spaţiu se apropie furtuna,
    Without faith the ship of humanity gets lost in space, it approaches a storm,
    Se-ntuneca lumea
    It darkens the world
    Totul se vinde se cumpara totul banii sunt calea adevarul şi viaţa Isus nu mai vine....
    Everything is sold, everything is bought, money is the way to the truth and Jesus isn’t coming again into life…
    Dumnezeu se mai uită o dată spre lume nu e nimeni să vadă că-ntinde o mana nu e nimeni s-audă că şoaptă iubirii El încă ne-o spune?
    God looks at the world once again, there’s nobody to see that somebody offered a hand, there’s nobody to hear love's whisper, what does He tell us again?]**

    Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
    God let us…
    Ne-a lasat să ne facem de cap
    He let us act foolish

    * Not sure about this.
    ** Here I've lost it a bit!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  2. Lady_A said:


    Hey, Maria! Wonderful translation and by the way, very nice lyrics. I had no idea about this song. Since Vama Veche split up (the band in which Tudor Chirila used to sing), I haven't listened much to the new-created Vama band.
    Looks like they're doing a good job!

    Quote Originally Posted by maria_gr View Post
    Can you pls correct translation and diacritics? This song was quite difficult for me... Thanks in advance.

    Dumnezeu nu apare la ştiri
    God doesn’t appear on the news

    Dumnezeu nu apare la ştiri
    God doesn’t appear on the news
    Dumnezeu nu omoară delfini
    God doesn’t kill dolphins
    Dumnezeu n-are Vis Nuclear
    God doesn’t have the nuclear dream
    Dumnezeu nu topeşte Gheţari
    God doesn’t melt the glaciers

    Dumnezeu n-a votat-n Senat
    God hasn't voted in Senate
    Dumnezeu n-a luptat în Irak
    God hasn’t fought in Irak
    Prea ocupaţi cu distrugerea lumii oamenii sunt
    People are too busy destroying the world
    Pe Dumnezeu nu-l ia nimeni în seamă aici pe Pământ
    Nobody takes God into account here on earth

    Dumnezeu ne-a lăsat...
    God let us…
    Ne-a lăsat să ne facem de cap
    He let us act foolish or He let us knock ourselves out

    Pe Iisus l-au făcut Superstar
    They’ve made Jesus a superstar
    Pe Dumnezeu l-au tipărit pe dolar
    They’ve printed God on the dolars
    Religia e marketing de război
    Religion is war marketing
    Oamenii-şi fac cruce dar privesc în gol
    People do the sign of the cross but they look at nothing in particular

    Dumnezeu ne-a lăsat...
    God let us…
    Ne-a lăsat să ne facem de cap
    He let us act foolish

    [Fără Credinţă corabia Umană rătăceşte prin spaţiu, se apropie furtuna,
    Without faith the ship of humanity gets lost in space, the storm approaches,
    Se-ntunecă lumea
    The world darkens
    Totul se vinde, se cumpără totul, banii sunt calea, adevărul şi viaţa, Iisus nu mai vine....
    Everything is sold, everything is bought, money is the way, the truth and life itself, Jesus isn’t coming again (into life or on Earth)…
    Dumnezeu se mai uită o dată spre lume; nu e nimeni să vadă că-ntinde o mână, nu e nimeni s-audă că şoapta iubirii El încă ne-o spune?
    God looks at the world once again, there’s nobody to see that He offered a hand, there’s nobody to hear Him still telling us love's whisper

    Dumnezeu ne-a lăsat...
    God let us…
    Ne-a lăsat să ne facem de cap
    He let us act foolish
  3. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady_A View Post
    Hey, Maria! Wonderful translation and by the way, very nice lyrics. I had no idea about this song. Since Vama Veche split up (the band in which Tudor Chirila used to sing), I haven't listened much to the new-created Vama band.
    Looks like they're doing a good job!
    Yes they have some really nice songs, you should listen to them.
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  4. Lady_A said:


    You're welcome!
    And yes, I will listen to them. I would also suggest to you to listen the old songs of Vama Veche (Ana, Nu am chef azi, Vara asta). A younger Tudor Chirila and beautiful, beautiful lyrics. They lost many fans when they split up, me included
  5. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    Yes I've heard Vama Veche's songs and "Nu am chef azi" is one of my favorite. Thanks again for your help!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.
