Cry, Wolf

Thread: Cry, Wolf

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  1. the prodigal sun said:

    Default Cry, Wolf

    April 24th
    Noticed water on the window-sill
    April 25th
    Woke up in a riverbed
    When did the weight shift?
    I would run for days had it not gotten to my head
    I'm fine to drown tonight if I'll just wake up in my bed
    And the blood will find its way into my legs

    If you’re asleep,
    I consider this
    The perfect coincidence
    The water’s just warm enough
    To help the blood escape
    And let it run for days
    Let it run for days
    For I'm a stone in a lake
    And, alone, there's no escape

    Everyone knows it's all in my head
    But nobody knows what's all in my head
    It's gotten to my head
    Last edited by the prodigal sun; 04-29-2012 at 11:12 PM.