Padded room

Thread: Padded room

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  1. 4 shades of reason said:

    Default Padded room


    So sick of your insistant laughing

    Slow down my deminors cracking

    Here see look my feelings splitting

    half tired of standing the rest done sitting

    Safe quit now i'm addmiting i am torn

    /Theses pills no longer stop this constant buzzing

    This straight jacket keeps me from embrassing what i'm loving

    Can't stop iching done with twiching

    I'm stiching up these wounds

    So i will be formal i assume this will make me normal/

    Numbers tipping falling

    Letters mixed up

    Something under my skin crawling

    This unstableness ammasing

    Slowly my controll is halfing

    I know your talking but the language is baffling to me

    /Theses pills no longer stop this constant buzzing

    This straight jacket keeps me from embrassing what i'm loving

    Can't stop iching done with twiching

    I'm stiching up these wounds

    So i will be formal i assume this will make me normal/
  2. PrinceComedy's Avatar

    PrinceComedy said:


    Boom... there goes your winning streak.

    I really couldn't understand the moral of this story. Definantly not you best work...

  3. 4 shades of reason said:


    lol i accually saw this coming it is hard to understand its from the point of view of a mad man in an asylum if you read the lyrics from that point of view they will make more sense to you see hes losing it and no matter how hard he trys to see himself as normall his mind just wanders and hes paranoid if you ever seen a sckitsofrentic you'll understand
  4. 4 shades of reason said:

