Need help with unknown classical piece

Thread: Need help with unknown classical piece

Tags: classic
  1. boomshanka said:

    Default Need help with unknown classical piece

    I've heard this theme on several occations but I don't know if it's part of a larger classical piece or not. I just stumbled on the theme by chance in both "Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne" and "Heroes Of Might & Magic 3". Here's the link:

    Can anyone give me any additional information on this? Thanks in advance!
  2. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    It's right there in the info:

    Kärtsy Hatakka & Kimmo Kajasto. Song is called Max's Passion - Mona.
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  3. boomshanka said:


    Hi Mixalopoulos,

    You're right it does say in the description, but that's the title for the song used in the game and (probably) not the title for the original composition :-)

    As I mentioned before the same theme can also be heard in "Heroes Of Might & Magic 3" but I'm pretty sure the theme originates from a much older classical piece.