Title: One Cut

Thread: Title: One Cut

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  1. MR.Alexander said:

    Wink Title: One Cut

    did you ever love me?
    why do you continue to lie?
    cant you see I know the truth now
    yet my heart refuses to let go
    let us see if you ever really care
    will you come and save me!

    one cut for all the lies
    another for each time your betrayed me
    I’m bleeding out do you even care
    one cut for each tear I shed
    crying all though the night
    one cut for each time my heart has been broken
    everything’s starting to go black
    death is slowly taking me away
    yet you don’t even notice
    one cut to end this life free of betrayal!
    yet I don’t see you as I close my eyes forever
    (chorus end)

    middle of the nigh you leave
    I hear you and her in the next room
    you tell me you love yet it’s not true
    you love what you can get
    all the pleasure all the attention
    you don’t love me
    yet why does my heart not let you go


    my heart has been fooled
    by feeling that never were true
    never were real
    yet it refuses to let go
    even as I lay ding you still don’t come
    many time I called t
    to tell you what happening
    and yet you still aren’t in sight

  2. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:


    Woah Mr.Alex that's a deep song you go there.
    I find it as like, a sort of rock/blues song I think, do you have a idea of what genre this song is? Lol

    I especially like the chorus, tho I think you may know why.

    Overall GREAT lyrics Mr.Alex keep up the good work mate., xD

    ImTheBaby of ATL! FearMe, RawR!!
    -This Shadow is like a homeless puppy. She'll love you in seconds. And she'll still love you no matter what even though you hurt her so badly-