Song Translation and Help needed Please

Thread: Song Translation and Help needed Please

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  1. Ev!LAngeL's Avatar

    Ev!LAngeL said:

    Default Song Translation and Help needed Please

    There is a song called Ibrahim Tatlises - Bulamadim I really love it so much, I know only very few words, the second thing I am asking is that someone to work with me on speaking Turkish, I am engaged to a Turkish man and will be going to Istanbul in October, OKEMIYDANI I think is the city pardon if I spelled incorrectly. I would love to be able to communicate when I arrive so I dont feel so lost. Thank you anyone willing to help me.
  2. Paparizou_Fan's Avatar

    Paparizou_Fan said:


    I'll find the song and lyrics and also translation after 1 hour!!
    Dont worry !
  3. Ev!LAngeL's Avatar

    Ev!LAngeL said:


    Thanks so much YouTube - Ibrahim Tatlises - Bulamadim here is link to it on youtube its so pretty =)
  4. Paparizou_Fan's Avatar

    Paparizou_Fan said:


    Sen gidince öksüz kaldım(When you went away,i became orphaned)
    Başımı belaya saldım( I was all in trouble )
    Olur olmaz kapı çaldım ( I knocked on the door which werent even undetermined)
    Aşk aradım meşk aradım( I was searching for love )

    Ama bulamadım...(But I could not find)

    Bulamadım bulamadım yar( I could not find,I couldnt find,my darling)
    Bulamadım bulamadım yar

    Gittiğin günden bu yana(Till the day that you went away)
    Hep seni soran sorana(Everyone wondered about you )
    Bu şehir dar geldi cana ( This city became narrow to me)
    Başım alıp dört bir yana (By getting myself to everywhere)

    Ama kaçamadım...(But I couldnt run away)

    Kaçamadım kaçamadım yar(I couldnt run away,I couldnt run away,darling)
    Kaçamadım kaçamadım yar
  5. alp_er's Avatar

    alp_er said:


    you'Re engaged ? to a turkish man? hey thats cool! come on tell us about yourself..who are you? where are you from? and how did you meet him?
  6. Paparizou_Fan's Avatar

    Paparizou_Fan said:


    :-) hahahaa
  7. alp_er's Avatar

    alp_er said:


    am i too curious??
  8. Ev!LAngeL's Avatar

    Ev!LAngeL said:


    Well Im from USA, Im a game moderator for an online MMPORG. We met on the game, in which you can have a spouse we have been spouses online in the game for over a year now. He fly to meet me few months ago, and he asked me for marrige so I accepted happily. I am going to Turkey in October to marry and start a life there with him. I fell in love with Turkish people online from the friends I have made online gaming with them. Hmm I dont really what more to say im 27 and very cool just always looking for new friends My name is Samantha My fiance is Necdet I so love him lots. I hope some one here will take time and help me learning Turkish I will be always grateful for the help, Thanks again for the translation, if theres anything specific you want to know please ask I am a very open person ...Thanks Sam
  9. bogazici86's Avatar

    bogazici86 said:


    alp! we would be perfect mag reporters! yeah, you are curious as I do! But isn't it so interesting that samantha has met necdet on the game and they'll marry! I admire, I really admire. Samantha, nice to meet you, I'm seda and I always have support when "love" is point at issue. It's interesting that we have been meeting lovers distant from each other for a few days, and I'm so happy for this. I wish you a happy, perfect life with your necdet. so, you're our bride yet, welcome to turkey I'll help you with turkish whenever you want as my other friends do. we have threads about turkish, they will be useful to you
    *Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises-----
  10. Ev!LAngeL's Avatar

    Ev!LAngeL said:


    Quote Originally Posted by bogazici86 View Post
    alp! we would be perfect mag reporters! yeah, you are curious as I do! But isn't it so interesting that samantha has met necdet on the game and they'll marry! I admire, I really admire. Samantha, nice to meet you, I'm seda and I always have support when "love" is point at issue. It's interesting that we have been meeting lovers distant from each other for a few days, and I'm so happy for this. I wish you a happy, perfect life with your necdet. so, you're our bride yet, welcome to turkey I'll help you with turkish whenever you want as my other friends do. we have threads about turkish, they will be useful to you
    Hehe Ty Abla, I never thought to find a true love over the net I always believed it was a crazy and impossible thing, but after a time talking and seeing someone everday so long it happened and I feel blessed. It is a hard thing though to be far from the one you love..I hope to meet many nice ppl like you when I come to Turkey im very excited, yet very scared and nervous as it wil be a strange place to me. Do you have any suggestions to help adjust to this life?

    Feel free to pm me My msn is listed on my profile anyone is welcome to add me=) As far as the turkish threads its all a bit confusing to me As for My Necdet his english is perfect he speaks so well so for us communication isnt an issue ..none the less I love to learn it. Is nice to meet you Seda ty for the reply
  11. alp_er's Avatar

    alp_er said:


    Quote Originally Posted by bogazici86 View Post
    alp! we would be perfect mag reporters! yeah, you are curious as I do! But isn't it so interesting that samantha has met necdet on the game and they'll marry! I admire, I really admire. Samantha, nice to meet you, I'm seda and I always have support when "love" is point at issue. It's interesting that we have been meeting lovers distant from each other for a few days, and I'm so happy for this. I wish you a happy, perfect life with your necdet. so, you're our bride yet, welcome to turkey I'll help you with turkish whenever you want as my other friends do. we have threads about turkish, they will be useful to you
  12. alp_er's Avatar

    alp_er said:


    WOW about you samantha, thats great! i hope u'Ll be very happy! Im sure u'd like Istanbul...but the language can be a problem,but im sure its gonna be ok with the help of your bf... and in Istanbul most of the people know english nowadays...
  13. Ev!LAngeL's Avatar

    Ev!LAngeL said:


    Thanks =)
  14. bogazici86's Avatar

    bogazici86 said:


    no, istanbul has not a strange life as you think. as alp said, you'll just have language problem, not more than this, believe me. if your boyfriend's english is perfect, then never mind! you'll get used to here in a short span of time
    *Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises-----
  15. alp_er's Avatar

    alp_er said:


    so how r u gonna afford it?i mean job... do u go to university? samantha?
  16. Ev!LAngeL's Avatar

    Ev!LAngeL said:


    I am educated I have a degree in computer science, I also have only 1 more semester to finish Nursing , which was my second choice. Although I hold only associates degree, I will try to continue my education in Turkey. I have money saved to my trip and My love has already secured a home for us to live in. He works as well and has a decent Job. Either way love is important more than money and we are determined to make it. Nothing will conquer. His family is also very supportive, his mother and siblings have been wonderful to us. The kindness I have found within the Turkish people amazes me each day, unfortunately people here in the usa are not as kind. and forgive me I love my country but most people here are greedy and selfish. =( They have thier values mixed up.
  17. Ev!LAngeL's Avatar

    Ev!LAngeL said:


    Also you seem very cool Alp thanks for all the replys =)
  18. alp_er's Avatar

    alp_er said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Ev!LAngeL View Post
    I am educated I have a degree in computer science, I also have only 1 more semester to finish Nursing , which was my second choice. Although I hold only associates degree, I will try to continue my education in Turkey. I have money saved to my trip and My love has already secured a home for us to live in. He works as well and has a decent Job. Either way love is important more than money and we are determined to make it. Nothing will conquer. His family is also very supportive, his mother and siblings have been wonderful to us. The kindness I have found within the Turkish people amazes me each day, unfortunately people here in the usa are not as kind. and forgive me I love my country but most people here are greedy and selfish. =( They have thier values mixed up.
    well,its cool! i really hope u'll be happy in Turkey

    who knows may be we (turkish translation members ) can meet one day...u can join us! when you're here!! and thanks for your kindness too