Ilham Al Madafi - Baghdad

Thread: Ilham Al Madafi - Baghdad

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  1. cronin said:

    Default Ilham Al Madafi - Baghdad

    This is quite possibly one of the most peaceful songs I've ever listened to. As a non-native Arabic speaker (only intermediate, however), I was wondering if I could make a rather large request? I know this song is in the Iraqi dialect; however, could someone write it and then re-translate it in Fus7a? I know it may lose some meaning and I wont be able to follow along with the music as much but I'd like to know how to say a lot of this in Fus7a.

    Here are the lyrics in Arabic and the English translations follow.
    You can download the song here:

    بغداد - Ilham Al Madafi

    مدي بساطي واملأي اكوابي...
    وانسي العتاب فقد نسيت عتابي...
    عيناك يا بغداد منذ طفولتي...
    شمسان نائمتان في اهدابي...
    لا تنكري وجهي فأنتي حبيبتي...
    وورود مائدتي وكأس شرابي...
    بغداد جئتك كالسفينة متعباً...
    اخفي جراحاتي وراء ثيابي...
    وهبطت كالعصفور ليقصد عشه...
    والفجر عرس مآذن وقبابي...
    بغداد طرت على حرير عبائة...
    وعلى ظفائر زينب ورباب...
    لاتظلمي وتر الربابة في يدي...
    فالشوق اكبر من يدي وربابي...
    ماذا سأكتب عنك في كتب الهوا...
    فهواك لا يكفيه الف كتاب.

    Clear the way before me and fill my cups.
    Forget the blame, for I put reproach behind me.
    Since my early childhood, your eyes, O' Baghdad, have been two starts sleeping in my eyes .
    Do not overlook my face for you are my beloved: you are the roses adorning my table and you are my cup of life.
    O' Baghdad, I came back to you, a ship returning to its harbor, tired and hiding my wounds under my clothes.
    I went down like a bird heading to its nest.
    The dawn was glowing with minarets and domes.
    I flew on the wings of a silky robe and got carried a way on the braids Zainab and rabab.
    Do not wound the what’s in my hand for my longing is even stronger than I could handle.
    What shall I say about you in the book of passion?
    A thousand books are not enough to express how much I love you.
  2. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    its allraedy translated coz its in fus7a but the singer is iraqi
    but the text is in fus7a my dear
  3. cronin said:


    Well look at that, you seem to be correct. I skimmed it before looking for tell tale grammar patterns found in fus7a. I should have known he'd use something more fluid than what I know. I've got a nice book of synonyms waiting now =P. Hopefully I can determine which words are specifically Iraqi.
  4. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    yes mavi you're right
    if you need translation tell me ok?
    and i know mavii can help too
  5. cronin said:


    If the translation offered wasn't accurate, perhaps you could give me a more literal one? Also, I'd be interested if you could tell me which words are specifically Iraqi and offer another word for it. One that perhaps often appears in newspapers and isn't a regional dialect.
  6. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    did u mean u need another translation for this text above?
    I can translated onother way which is more clear if u want..

    And about this
    (Also, I'd be interested if you could tell me which words are specifically Iraqi and offer another word for it.)
    did u mean iraqi words in this text ?

    if u mean so .. my answer is this text or this song is not in iraqi accent
    its in fus7a

    any way wait a little bit
    am translating this song for you again in another way..
  7. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    بغداد - Ilham Al Madafi

    مدي بساطي واملأي اكوابي...
    spread my carpet & fill my cups

    وانسي العتاب فقد نسيت عتابي...
    & forget the blame coz i forget my blame

    عيناك يا بغداد منذ طفولتي...
    Baghdad..your eyes from my childhood

    شمسان نائمتان في اهدابي...
    is two sun that sleeps inside my eyelashes

    لا تنكري وجهي فأنتي حبيبتي...
    Dont deny my face coz u r my love

    وورود مائدتي وكأس شرابي...
    & my table roses & the cup of my juice

    بغداد جئتك كالسفينة متعباً...
    baghdad..i come tired like a ship

    اخفي جراحاتي وراء ثيابي...
    I hidde my wounds behind my clothes

    وهبطت كالعصفور ليقصد عشه...
    & I flow down like a bird which repair to his nest

    والفجر عرس مآذن وقبابي...
    & the aurora is the party of minarets & dome

    بغداد طرت على حرير عبائة...
    baghdad.. i fly on the silk of its aba

    وعلى ظفائر زينب ورباب...
    & above zienab & rababs braids

    لاتظلمي وتر الربابة في يدي...
    Dont oppress the string of rebec in my hands

    فالشوق اكبر من يدي وربابي...
    coz the longing is more in my hands & my rebec

    ماذا سأكتب عنك في كتب الهوا...
    what am going to write on the love books?

    فهواك لا يكفيه الف كتاب.
    if your love have not suffice in a thousand book

    here u go
  8. cronin said:


    Amazing, thank you! It's so much clearer now. I am going to enjoy learning these words. He's got lots of songs, so I'll post another soon that I enjoy.

  9. cronin said:

    Default مش ممكن؟؟

    Hey, so I am having issues with understanding the song. Partially because I can't figure out the grammatical structure of specific words. I guess I'll just list them with some explanations.

    ١. مدي
    The فعل of this is مدّ thus, I could say, "يمد شيء" as in "he extended something." However, in the song he uses a ي but that's a ضمائر الملكية right? How can you have a ضمائر الملكية at the end of a فعل

    ٢. املأي
    Again, I am confused because of the ي at the end. The ي is a ضمائر الملكية and I thought املأي was a فعل. Is it actually the المصدر of ملأ in أفعل

    ٣. العتاب
    I was under the impression that the اسم for "blame" was عيب.

    ٤. وانسي العتاب فقد نسيت عتابي.
    This literally translates to: "(I) forget the blame thus (I) forgot my blame," right?

    ٥. اهدابي
    I thought the word for eyelashes was: ُهُدْب

    ٦. عيناك يا بغداد، منذ طفولتي، شمسان نائمتان في اهدابي
    This literally translates to: "Baghdad your eyes, since my childhood, two sleeping suns in my eyelashes," right? (well, that goes exactly with what you said so I imagine it's correct).

    ٨. لا تنكري
    Okay, here is an example I can explain properly. The فعل is نكر (deny) and this example means "You do not deny." However, there again is the issue of the ي at the end. How can you have a ضمائر الملكية at the end of a فعل? If it supposed to literally mean, "Do not deny me" shouldn't it be, لا تنكرني ?

    I'll stop here and wait for responses. I must have forgotten a lot of grammar =P.
  10. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Quote Originally Posted by cronin View Post
    Hey, so I am having issues with understanding the song. Partially because I can't figure out the grammatical structure of specific words. I guess I'll just list them with some explanations.

    ١. مدي
    The فعل of this is مدّ thus, I could say, "يمد شيء" as in "he extended something." However, in the song he uses a ي but that's a ضمائر الملكية right? How can you have a ضمائر الملكية at the end of a فعل

    thats right .. but the letter (ي) in the end in this text refers to (baghdad)
    like he means u spread (أنتي مدي)

    ٢. املأي
    Again, I am confused because of the ي at the end. The ي is a ضمائر الملكية and I thought املأي was a فعل. Is it actually the المصدر of ملأ in أفعل

    here is the same
    the letter (ي) at the end of the verb ملأ
    let it means : u fill but ي is refers to a female or country
    coz in arabic language countries and cities take the female pronouns

    i hope i explain it well

    ٣. العتاب
    I was under the impression that the اسم for "blame" was عيب.
    shame is عيب
    like we said for ex:
    shame on you

    but عتاب
    is blame ..or when u blame some one

    here in the text عتابي
    means my blame (ي) refers to himself
    عتابي أنا

    ٤. وانسي العتاب فقد نسيت عتابي.
    This literally translates to: "(I) forget the blame thus (I) forgot my blame," right?

    ٥. اهدابي
    I thought the word for eyelashes was: ُهُدْب
    أهدابي is my eyelashes ..هدب is the plural

    ٦. عيناك يا بغداد، منذ طفولتي، شمسان نائمتان في اهدابي
    This literally translates to: "Baghdad your eyes, since my childhood, two sleeping suns in my eyelashes," right? (well, that goes exactly with what you said so I imagine it's correct).

    ٨. لا تنكري
    Okay, here is an example I can explain properly. The فعل is نكر (deny) and this example means "You do not deny." However, there again is the issue of the ي at the end. How can you have a ضمائر الملكية at the end of a فعل? If it supposed to literally mean, "Do not deny me" shouldn't it be, لا تنكرني ?
    yes thats right but in the text above there is a continue
    لا تنكري وجهي
    so it means dont deny my face

    I'll stop here and wait for responses. I must have forgotten a lot of grammar =P.
    i`ll wait new questions .. u r welcome
  11. cronin said:


    Thanks for taking your time to answer my grammar questions.

    (below refers to old questions).

    ١. مدي
    How does the ي refer to Baghdad? Do you know the name of this grammar point in Arabic? If مد is المصدر it should be مدها بساطي or "spread (she) blanket (my)." I suppose it also could be مدكِ بساطي meaning "spread (you feminine) blanket (my)." If مد is a فعل referring to an action held by بغداد (which is feminine) it should be تمدين بساطي "(you) spread blanket (my)." Right?

    I only ask this because I've learnt in my الفصحى class that ي at the end of a اسم gives it possession as in "I." Furthermore, I've learnt you can't use ي at the end of a فعل (except in the occasion that the verb is آنتِ and is preceeded by specific words). Instead, if you must use ني to refer to انا and in this case, ها to refer to هي.

    note: in the first paragraph, I am assuming that المد is also the المص of the verb .

    ٢. املأي
    Again, shouldn't it be either ملأكِ or ملأها if its using المصدر and تملأين if it is فعل?

    ٣. العتاب، ٥. اهدابي
    Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification.

    ٨. لا تنكري
    Again, shouldn't it be لا تنكرين?
  12. cronin said:


    I've found the problem! It's my grammar hah. I haven't learnt ياء المخاطبة, which is what this is. Thanks!
  13. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Quote Originally Posted by cronin View Post
    Thanks for taking your time to answer my grammar questions.

    (below refers to old questions).

    ١. مدي
    How does the ي refer to Baghdad? Do you know the name of this grammar point in Arabic? If مد is المصدر it should be مدها بساطي or "spread (she) blanket (my)." I suppose it also could be مدكِ بساطي meaning "spread (you feminine) blanket (my)." If مد is a فعل referring to an action held by بغداد (which is feminine) it should be تمدين بساطي "(you) spread blanket (my)." Right?

    In this song (in general) the singer is talking to baghdad
    & like baghdad is a female which he fall in love with so...
    if (مدّ) is the the مصدر from مدّ / يمدّ
    يمد is a verb (m) he spread هو يمد
    تمد is a verb (f) she spread هي تمد
    when its (imperative) it goes
    مدي= أنتي مدي spread or u spread (f)
    أنت مد= مد is the same ... spread or you spread when u talk to male (m)
    تمدين بساطي means: you spread my carpet or u r spreading my carpet..

    so here in the song (baghdad) is female
    is that clear to u now ??? i hope yes

    I only ask this because I've learnt in my الفصحى class that ي at the end of a اسم gives it possession as in "I." Furthermore, I've learnt you can't use ي at the end of a فعل (except in the occasion that the verb is آنتِ and is preceeded by specific words). Instead, if you must use ني to refer to انا and in this case, ها to refer to هي.

    thats right but ي here in the verb مد refers to her هي
    like u said u spread my carpet
    أنتي مدي بساطي أنا = مدي بساطي
    so they delete أنتي and just take the ي from it
    and delete أنا after بساطي
    so it looks at the end مدي بساطي
    so the ي in مد refers to أنتي you (f)
    & بساط is a noun & when i add ي to بساط (carpet)
    it`ll give me the mean my carpet as you said
    (to gives it possession as in "I.")

    note: in the first paragraph, I am assuming that المد is also the المص of the verb .
    yes thats right

    but arabic language is very deep
    and there is many مصدر for such one word sometimes.

    ٢. املأي
    Again, shouldn't it be either ملأكِ or ملأها if its using المصدر and تملأين if it is فعل?
    ملأك means he fill you coz the letter ك refers to (he)
    ملأها means he fills her
    تملأين means you are filling (present)

    ٣. العتاب، ٥. اهدابي
    Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification.

    ٨. لا تنكري
    Again, shouldn't it be لا تنكرين?
    yes its لا تنكرين but in arabic language they delete the letter (ن ) to
    lightening and in arabic grammer this situation calls
    حذفت النون منعاً للثقل
    if u want revision ur study class papers or if u have
    arabic grammer book u`ll find it there
    I hope i answer ur questions & delete some mists now!
  14. cronin said:


    شكراً، مثل الشمس