I Will Walk

Thread: I Will Walk

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  1. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:

    Default I Will Walk

    Notes: This - means amount of syllables a particular word is held out. This ... means that the line or ending of the line is held out after the words end before starting words on the next line. The beginning semi chorus is played slow while the other choruses are a little different from the first showing a growth or a change in the persons feelings. The ending verse is slow again, but it just reinforces the meaning of the song.

    I--- will walk
    To finally be with you
    When every moment goes on
    Like this one
    Like this one
    My love for you goes on..
    My love for you goes on..

    I find it hard
    To see the sky
    When all you are
    Is here inside

    I can’t forget
    The way I felt
    The day you left
    Was a living hell
    But I…. will always...
    Lo-ve you...
    Cause I---will walk
    To finally be with you
    When part of you dies
    The other half
    lives with me....
    My love for you.. goes on…
    My love for you.. goes on...

    I don’t know why
    I’m here tonight
    But it seems to bring
    You back to life

    When life is short
    I will choose to find
    My way back
    To you…
    Cause I….
    Can't live without you…
    Cause I---will walk
    To finally be with you
    When part of you dies
    The other half
    lives with me....
    My love for you goes on
    My love for you goes on
    I’m desperate for you..
    I’m desperate for you..
    I'm desperate for you..
    As these tears fall to your grave
    Remember that you will always be
    Within my heart
    Within my dreams
    I will walk this line
    Of uncertainty
    To finally be….(held out in higher note)...with you.....
    “Chorus” (slow like beginning)
    I--- will walk
    To finally be with you
    When every moment goes on
    Like this one
    Like this one
    My love for you goes on...
    My love for you goes on...
    My love…....
    My love for you goes on...
    Last edited by Johnb31; 10-13-2012 at 02:43 PM.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  2. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    This song is about walking that difficult, heart breaking distance to a person you loved who now lies in a grave. Dispute the distance and the pain, you will always walk because your love goes on dispute them being gone it doesn't just end it goes on and on. If you have or will ever have to walk this difficult path just remember that they still lie in your heart and maybe one day you will see them again so never stop walking.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  3. The Obscured said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnb31 View Post
    This song is about walking that difficult, heart breaking distance to a person you loved who now lies in a grave. Dispute the distance and the pain, you will always walk because your love goes on dispute them being gone it doesn't just end it goes on and on. If you have or will ever have to walk this difficult path just remember that they still lie in your heart and maybe one day you will see them again so never stop walking.
    Deep, true words right there man. I share that pain and this song speaks to me. Really, really good job. You should be proud of this.
    We're a little bit stranger on the inside
  4. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    Thank you so much I'm glad that this song was able to speak to you that makes me happy.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  5. MoonRide*r*'s Avatar

    MoonRide*r* said:


    Love it. Thanks for the annotations, coz even though sometimes it's obvious that a single word takes 2 or 3 beats, it really helped to get the full effect. Very nice work!
    There is no glamour in sudden death, and nobody ever wins a war.
    Rockers Unite! =>
    ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame
  6. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    Think of "Love the way you lie (part II)" for the overal rhythm and beat I'm going for.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  7. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    I was thinking of changing the choruses of the song to this chorus with its minor change. Let me know if you like it or if I should keep the old or if I should implement both. Also I'm thinking of creating an alternative version of this song I already have a couple of ideas in the works.

    I will walk
    To finally be with you
    When part of you dies
    The other half lives
    Within me....
    My love for you
    Goes on
    My love for you
    Goes on
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  8. Siouxie said:


    Great lyrics. Love it !!
  9. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    Made some subtle changes to the song but I think they make it a lot better as a whole.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  10. Jim Colyer's Avatar

    Jim Colyer said:


    I feel your passion, your need to live and love.
    Jim Colyer Girl albums
  11. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    Thank you for commenting it means a lot. This song means the world to me and it took many years to be able to write it. It's been an idea for a long time and I could never find the right words because this isn't a song u just hash out real quick it's a song that's crafted from pain and despair within someone's heart. I hope I can write the music for this soon and start getting it out there to people because I think it will be very powerful with the right music to back it up.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  12. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    Me and JoshD finally recorded this song as a band "Venue" you can check it out on YouTube. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?feature=plcp&v=cX76dsQjdoU
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  13. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    I'll check out the song after Dexter is over,I watch the Friday night marathon,so be patient.The lyrics had me until I got to the line about the grave.I'm not really into singing about people who are dead,to me it's.......icky!But,lyrically speaking this is another good piece.I wouldnt change it,especially putting more in about "afterlife".I'd rather live for today,and worry about tomorrow,hey,hey,hey!
  14. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    The song is more about living for that person since they died you go living and try your best because you loved that person so much and maybe one day you will see them again but if not you always have their grave.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  15. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnb31 View Post
    The song is more about living for that person since they died you go living and try your best because you loved that person so much and maybe one day you will see them again but if not you always have their grave.
    "but if not you always have their grave"?I don't understand.I understand losing a great love,but not the part about the grave.I guess some people believe they're "paying their respects"by visiting grave sites.That I do get.What's "having their grave"?
  16. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    Their grave represents the memory of them it's like the one part of them that lives on sort of speak. I believe something lies beyond this world and that we realize what that place is once we die but the grave is something almost physical like we have memories and stuff about this person but we can never be in their presence anymore and I think the grave is a way to have that physical feel to it. So I think it's so much more than just paying our respects I think it is a way to feel as if that person is still here.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  17. Thatsmeonthetrain's Avatar

    Thatsmeonthetrain said:


    Oye. If I hear this song one more time I might cut my ears off