Ramy Gamal Fatra Msh Sahla 2013 Album

Thread: Ramy Gamal Fatra Msh Sahla 2013 Album

Tags: 2013, fatra msh sahla, ramy gamal
  1. binababi1996's Avatar

    binababi1996 said:


    3o2dt Zanb

    مش قادر انسى نظرته يوم ما افترقنا وسبنا بعض
    I can't forget his look the days we broke up and left each other
    msh 2ader ansa nazreto youm ma eftara2na w sabna ba3d

    ازاى جرحته دا احنا بينا حاجات كتيره وبينا وعد
    how could i have hurt him, there is a lot between us and a promise
    ezay gra7to da7na beina 7agat kteer w beina wa3d

    عقده الذنب اللى عندى مخليانى انا خايف ابدأ اعيش طبيعى
    the guilt that i have makes me scared to start over and live normally
    3o2dt el zanb ely 3ndy m5aleyany ana 5ayf abda2 a3esh tabe3y

    واحب تانى والسنين تفوت وانا واقف مكانى
    and love again, the years go by and im still in my place
    w a7eb tany, w el sneen tfoot wana wa2ef mkany

    ومنين يا قلبى يوم فراقنا جبت كل القسوه دى
    where did you get all this negativeness from when we broke up
    w mnen ya albi youm for2na gebt kol el 2aswa di

    مش دا اللى قولنا كان نصيبنا قبل عمرى ما يبتدى
    isnt this what we said was fate before we began our lives together?
    msh da ely 2olna kan nasebna ebl 3omr maybtedy?
    They always manage to steal your heart when youre just about ready to cry <3
  2. binababi1996's Avatar

    binababi1996 said:


    7ekyat Ro7

    اللى انت كسرته فيا صعب حد يصلحه
    what you broke in me is hard for someone to fix
    ely enta kasrto feya sa3b 7ad ysala7o

    استهترت بمشاعرى وكل حاجة مع الاسف
    estahtart b masha3ry w kol 7aga ma3 el asaf

    بعد ما شوفتك بتيجى على اللى بينا وتجرحه
    after i saw you blaming whats between us and causing more pain
    ba3d mashoftk btegy 3ly beina w tegra7o

    احساسى بيك خلاص مش بس قبل ما نختلف
    my feelings for you were gone not just when things changed
    a7sasy beek 5alas msh bs ebl man5telf

    انا كل ما افتكر اللى كان بعتب على الاخلاص
    everytime i remember what happened i blamed the politeness
    ana kol mafteker ely kan ba3teb 3lal e5las

    علشان مصاحب ناس وسايب ناس تضيع ناس
    because i am friends with people and im leaving them to use people
    3lashan msa7b nas w sayb nas tday3 nas

    ادى اخره اللى يغمى عينه ويمشى بالاحساس
    ady a5rt ely y3'mny 3eino yemshy bel a7sas

    كان لازم اعمل ميت حساب لعذابى قبل ما اروح
    i should have assumed my pain before it came
    kan lazim a3mil 100 7esab l3zaby ebl maro7

    ازاى يأمن قلبى تانى لاى حب جديد
    how cant my heart trust any new love
    ezay y2abel albi tany le ay 7ob gdeed

    ازاى هشوف بكره وانا عايش النهرده وحيد
    how can i see tomorrow when today im alone?
    ezay 7ashof bokra wana 3esh enaharda wa7ed

    بكره قرار هنسى وافوق ولا الندم هيفيد
    i wonder tomorrow will i wake up and live reality or will my longing grow?
    tb ya tara 7ansa w 7afo2 wela el 7aneen 7ayzed?

    اصل الحكايه مش حكايه شوق حكايه روح
    the story isnt a love story, its a soul story
    asl el 7ekaya msh 7ekayt sho2 7ekayt ro7

    انا مش هستنى منك حاجة تانيه خلاص كدا
    im not waiting for anything from you im done
    ana msh 7astana mnak 7aga tanya 5alas keda

    هبعد واستغنى عنك واللى فاتنى هعوضه
    im going to leave and stay away from you and i'll make up for what has passed
    7aba3ed w asta3'na 3nk wel faty 7a3wado

    مش مكتوبلى السعاده لحظه ويا الحب دا
    my happiness isnt allowed in this love
    msh maktobly sa3ada lahza waya el 7ob da

    وجودى معاك وجنبك وضع قلبى بيرفضه
    and my heart presence with you and with you i must decline
    wgoody ma3ak w ganbk wad3 albi yerfodo
    They always manage to steal your heart when youre just about ready to cry <3
  3. binababi1996's Avatar

    binababi1996 said:


    Far7an B Shakl

    حد يقول للعيون دى انى دايب
    someone tell those eyes im in love
    7ad y2ol lel 3eion di eny dayb

    كانت فين العيون دى من زمان
    where were these eyes long ago
    kant fen el 3eion di mn zaman

    ومن الليلادى هنبقي من الحبايب
    and from tonight we will be lovers
    w mel lilady 7anb2a mel 7abayb

    ودى اول مره احس بالامان
    this is the first time ive felt safe
    w di awel marra a7as bel aman

    فرحان بشكل وبحب الحياه
    im so happy and i love life
    far7an b shakl w b7b el 7ayah

    وده حلم قلبي ماصدق لقاه
    this is a dream my heart cant believe it found
    w da 7elm albi masada2 la2ah

    انا مش ببالغ بس دى الحقيقه
    im not confessing but its the truth
    ana msh babala3' bs di el 7a2e2a

    وطبيعي اللى حصلى يوم لقاك
    its normal what happened to me the day i met you
    w tabe3y ely 7asaly youm lo2ak

    طب بس فى المرايه لو دقيقه
    look in the mirror if just for a min
    tb bos fil meraya lw de2e2a

    وهتفهم انت ليه بدوب معاك
    and you will understand why i love you
    w 7atefham enta leh badob ma3ak
    They always manage to steal your heart when youre just about ready to cry <3