One lonesome night

Thread: One lonesome night

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  1. meli2235 said:

    Default One lonesome night

    One lonesome night
    When you were out of sight
    I hopped into my car
    And went a little too far
    No destination in mind
    Got myself into a little bind

    Do you ever feel
    like you're in a trap
    With no map
    Or in a box
    With no visible locks
    And no matter how much
    you thrash about
    There is no way out
    That is how I felt

    I thought I fell asleep
    When a little beep
    Made me realize
    To my surprise
    That I was paralyzed

    Do you ever feel
    like you're in a trap
    With no map
    Or in a box
    With no visible locks
    And no matter how much
    you thrash about
    There is no way out
    That is how I felt

    I looked all around
    But noone was to be found
    I was in a rocky room
    And I realized to my doom
    That I was in a tomb

    Do you ever feel
    like you're in a trap
    With no map
    Or in a box
    With no visible locks
    And no matter how much
    you thrash about
    There is no way out
    That is how I felt

    I dug really deep
    And then fell asleep
    When I did wake
    I realized I made a mistake
    I had gotten drunk
    And was trapped in the trunk
    Last edited by meli2235; 01-16-2014 at 01:39 AM.
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    This reminds me of Wake Up Little Susie by the Everly Brothers.Kind of "being in the wrong place at the wrong time"!Love it!
  3. meli2235 said:


    Haha true! I never even thought about it before. I wrote both songs last night in an hour and a half. I don't even know how I came up with this one. I just started messing around with a box and a maze and no locks and then I had the chorus down and the rest just came suddenly. I have never even drank but i thought it would be a funny ending.
  4. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    If you wrote both in the same night,your creativity must be at a peak.Try to take full advantage of it,it won't last forever!P.S.......while I'm here.......check out Pumpkinhead,it has the same rhyming vibe as this.(I said "vibe" so it's not exact!)
  5. meli2235 said:


    Haha I already did. I wrote 7 songs in 7 days. All except for I thought you were my fairytale.
  6. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Quote Originally Posted by meli2235 View Post
    Haha I already did. I wrote 7 songs in 7 days. All except for I thought you were my fairytale.
    Could you explain the last sentence!!!!!!!
  7. meli2235 said:


    I wrote all of my songs in one week except for "I thought you were my fairytale" I wrote it when I was 16 which was a while ago
  8. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Quote Originally Posted by meli2235 View Post
    I wrote all of my songs in one week except for "I thought you were my fairytale" I wrote it when I was 16 which was a while ago
    Great!Now I understand!
  9. meli2235 said:


    haha sorry. I was typing too fast before
  10. meli2235 said:


    Is this song similar to Hearts- All I wanna do is make love to you?