Celeb Convo

Thread: Celeb Convo

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  1. o0Krazee_Kuti0o said:

    Default Celeb Convo

    Alright ... So I guess a lot of people on the site say that they know and talk to some celebs that a lot of others want their SNs and E-Mails and w/e. So I just was wondering, out of curiousity, when you IM these people for the first time, how do you all start a convo or just, topics to talk about??? Completely Random I know, but it was a spur of the moment thought lol

  2. Docpepper33 said:

    Default Sorry wrong link.

    well www.myspace.com/sexy_mamii_4rm_chitown is orlandos and i messaged him and he said hello. and i just asked him how things were going and some questions.

    im really sorry. i posted the wrong link.
    this is his www.myspace.com/justcallmeorli !!! I heart orlando!
    Last edited by Docpepper33; 03-26-2007 at 03:51 PM. Reason: wrong link
  3. Inuzuka-kun said:


    I don't have anyone's SN or anything. But,if you go on Buzznet.com and look at the user named clandestine,that's Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. You can Private Message him,but he doesn't usually reply. I think you can chat with him when he's online from there too.I'll try it the next time he's on.(He was on yesterday) Oh,and I'm one of his friends on Buzznet.com!
  4. peterxwemtzxisxmine said:


    i usually just say hey and ask if its really them and just kinda go on or something haha
    if u want to tlk to miley her sn is]
  5. Jester's Avatar

    Jester said:


    I hate pop music so I don't get or give out fake email addresses (or real ones).

    However if I see a guitarist or member of a band I am a fan of, I just go up and say hello.

    Most of the metal bands in Manchester I'm mates with anyway so I have their IM's as personal friends.