Help identify 70s lounge song (link to listen)

Thread: Help identify 70s lounge song (link to listen)

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  1. akiljo said:

    Default Help identify 70s lounge song (link to listen)

    Hi. I have been looking all the internet for 4 months for that tune. Listen to the link below.

    The song is played in the video game "Amped 3" when you enter the "Magic circles" and that psyco 70s dude shows up. Tha tune is kinda a 60s / 70s organ/trumpet elevator song.

    I have bee looking for this song for a LONG time. Please, if anyone could help me I would be VERY greatful. It has become an obsession and Im even willing to pay to get the name of it.

    Thanks in advance....

    Here it is in an ad for Project Gotham Racing (first 13 seconds) - Project Gotham 3 - Alien TV Spot
    Last edited by akiljo; 08-14-2007 at 02:59 PM. Reason: Need to complete it.
  2. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    This sounds so familiar, right now I'm trying to remember, if I heard the same music, when I was young, I think it was in one of my childhood cartoons music...

    I'll try, but it is not a sure thing, I was young many years ago, but I'll try to remember

    Ohhh, this will now drive me crazy too, I KNOW, I've heard this before somewhere...
  3. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Same here, lollipop.
  4. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    .... and the same from me, too!

    Sometimes you have this kind of music also in the supermarket.

    HAve anice day, Tahira
  5. Sambazon said:


    Bump. I'm interested in knowing this cute lil tune too.
  6. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    Sounds like a cross between a 1970's game show theme and the theme from "I Dream of Jeanie"
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  7. Sambazon said:


    Quote Originally Posted by atmaster View Post
    Sounds like a cross between a 1970's game show theme and the theme from "I Dream of Jeanie"
    Yeah like a cross between the theme song to "The Dating Game" and "I Dream of Jeanie".

    Dammit, I'm gonna try hard to find this one. I got it stuck in my head now.
  8. Sambazon said:


    They just played this song on a new episode of "MADE" on mtv, and now the song stuck with me.
  9. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    On this episode??: MADE | Episode 11: Ian is MADE into a Salsa Dancer | Video, Photos | MTV
    (This tune drives me crazyyy!!)
  10. Sambazon said:


    Quote Originally Posted by lollipop View Post
    On this episode??: MADE | Episode 11: Ian is MADE into a Salsa Dancer | Video, Photos | MTV
    (This tune drives me crazyyy!!)

    It was one of the newest newest episodes aired earlier tonight about the 16-year-old girl and her family wanting to lose weight before her sweet 16 party, during the part where their trainer takes them to the grocery store.
  11. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    You're right, it is in that store - scene...
    Keeping Up Morale | Video | SuperMADE: Mosher Family Make-Over (Full Ep. 805) | MTV starting at 7:23

    I don't think, this small snippet will be in them track list (some mtv episodes have music track lists, some don't), so does somebody know, is there any chance to ask them this by some e-mail address? (don't know much about MTV, and how to contact them...)
  12. akiljo said:

    Default Thats right

    I cant believe that you guys found it in that MTV show. Thanks. Nwpo we just need to figure out what it is. I`ll try to contact MTV about it. Ill keep you posted.
  13. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    Yes, i was amazed too, what Sambazon heard, it is there for so small time, he/she must have very good ears for melody

    akiljo, yes please, keep us posted too, if MTV bothers to answer. I keep my fingers crossed for solving this! It's been unknown for so long, maybe this time the luck smiles at us...
  14. akiljo said:


    After 8 year I finnaly found it. The reason taht it was so hard to find was that it havent actually been released on a record, but rather buyable from a place called Extrem Music, whos sells jingles.

    The name is: Werner Tautz - Cheeky Street