please someone help me

Thread: please someone help me

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  1. figbrat_1's Avatar

    figbrat_1 said:

    Smile please someone help me

    I would really gladly appericate if someone can translate HECTOR LAVOE SONG PERIODICO DE AYER IN ENGLISH THANX A MILLION
  2. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Tu amor es un periódico de ayer
    Your love is like yesterday’s newspaper
    que nadie más procura ya leer
    which no one wants to read anymore
    sensacional cuando salió en la madrugada
    a sensation when it was published early in the morning,
    y a mediodía ya noticia confirmada
    confirmed news by midday
    y en la tarde materia olvidada.
    and forgotten stuff in the afternoon

    Tu amor es un periódico de ayer
    Your love is like yesterday’s newspaper
    fue el titular que alcanzó página entera
    it made the headlines on the whole of the front page
    por eso ya te conocen donde quiera
    that’s why you’re known everywhere
    tu nombre ha sido un recorte que guardé
    your name is a cutting I kept
    y en le álbum del olvido lo pegué.
    to then glue it in my oblivion album

    Tu amor es un periódico de ayer
    Your love is like yesterday’s newspaper
    que nadie más procura ya leer
    which no one wants to read anymore
    el comentario que nació en la madrugada
    the comment which started early in the morning
    y fuimos ambos la noticia propagada
    and the news spread around was the two of us,
    y en la tarde materia olvidada.
    and in the afternoon we were forgotten stuff

    Tu amor es un periódico de ayeeer...
    Your love is yesterday’s newspapeeeer...

    Y para qué leer un periódico de ayer
    and what’s the point in reading yesterday’s paper?
  3. figbrat_1's Avatar

    figbrat_1 said:

    Question hector lavoe

    thanx so much for giving me the translation.... I thought there was more to the song???????
  4. figbrat_1's Avatar

    figbrat_1 said:

    Thumbs up hector lavoe- periodico de ayer

    thanx a million for the translation .I thought the song was much longer then what you gave me...if possible could you give me all of it