pls help is there more to the song??????

Thread: pls help is there more to the song??????

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  1. figbrat_1's Avatar

    figbrat_1 said:

    Smile pls help is there more to the song??????

    is there more to the song??? thought there was for PERIODICO DE AYER
  2. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    I'm sorry about that, I just took the first set of lyrics I found on the net and didn't realise they were incomplete. I first found them here:

    MUSICA.COM, letra de Periódico de Ayer de Héctor Lavoe

    I found the rest of the lyrics, but when I listened to the song on youtube they didn't match. So I've written them down myself. I took this video as base for my work:

    YouTube - Hector Lavoe- Periodico De Ayer

    I watched a couple of clips more, and they all seem to have slightly different versions of the second part of this tune!

    Anyway, here you are (only the second bit):
    y para qué leer un periodico de ayer?
    and what’s the point in reading yesterday’s paper?
    hoy es noticia que todos saben, ya yo no quiero leer
    today everyone knows the news, I don’t want to read it anymore
    y para qué leer un periodico de ayer?
    and what’s the point in reading yesterday’s paper?
    tu creías que eras la brava , mamá, y al zafacón yo te eché
    you thought you were too good baby, and I’ve thrown you in the bin
    y para qué leer un periodico de ayer?
    and what’s the point in reading yesterday’s paper?
    vete, camina, y apartate de mi vida...apartate de mi lado
    go away, move, get out of my life... get away from my side

    y para qué leer un periodico de ayer?
    and what’s the point in reading yesterday’s paper?
    anda vete mamá buena, ya no te quiero ni ver
    come on, go way, you pretty girl, I don’t even want to see you
    y para qué leer un periodico de ayer?
    and what’s the point in reading yesterday’s paper?
    ayer te quise, te tuve y te mantuve, pero ya no te quiero
    yesterday I loved you, I had you and I maintained you, but I don’t love you anymore
    y para qué leer un periodico de ayer?
    and what’s the point in reading yesterday’s paper?
    vete y analizate tu historia y asi podras comprender
    go and analyse your story and that way you’ll be able to understand

    Have a nice evening!
  3. figbrat_1's Avatar

    figbrat_1 said:

    Talking thank you

    your the best what a sweety you are thanx so so much
  4. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    It was my pleasure to help!

    Have a nice time!