This is a true confession
A tale that doesn’t loose hope
But every so often it dies out

We are friends
Friends until the end
Some say there is something more
Others say it’s just a shut door
Closed for life
With no way in
I have searched and searched
And don’t understand

As the words came out of your mouth, I loose hope
But I know one day you will see
That I’m not one of those guys
I’m not one that will leave you behind
I will never leave you with nothing left
Never heart you to your death

Why can’t you just love me back?

Maybe your eyes are sown shut
Blind to everything around you
Well I’m here to open them up
Maybe now you can see the brighter side of things
The side that isn’t covered in shadows
Hiding all the details you miss

Feelings fade
And come back with strength
Rethink your last thoughts
And retake that last breath
Now look back at the past
Who has always been there for you?
And never steered you wrong?
Well I have *****
Think again you’re wrong

If friends is your fate
Then let it be
I’m not trying to interfere
I’m just trying to get my word out
And let u know I’m here