Things are Over...Please Comment

Thread: Things are Over...Please Comment

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  1. Mike...18 said:

    Default Things are Over...Please Comment

    Wrote this pretty quick.. please let me know what you think

    This has been continued for far to long
    My sincerity for your feelings has led me to forget about my own
    Your contradicting self has led me to think I’m not the one
    I can’t sit around waiting for you, it’s your call
    I swear I carry this suffering on my own
    It’s time I give you some of this anguish
    I’m falling down, and if I go all the way I’m taking you with me
    Never be the nice guy, you will always get pushed down
    Its time to take a stand and speak up
    No more letting things slip away
    I’m taking control, and things are going to end my way
    So when everyone else ****s you over
    Don’t expect to cry on my shoulder
    You had your chance
    That time has past
    Move on
    I’m ****ing done
  2. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    For my first read, the beginning was cumbersome and cluttered. But in my second read, I imagined someone trying to collect their thoughts and focus. The poem then picks up speed and forcefully come to a conclusion. So I like that part of the structure. However, you switch back and forth between a conversational format and a rhyming couplet format. I would suggest starting with a rhyming format and finishing with a conversational format. Overall, it needs some "polishing" on the verbiage to improve the flow (try reading it out loud to find the rough transition points).
    Last edited by atmaestro; 04-30-2008 at 04:40 PM.
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  3. Mike...18 said:


    thank you for the advice
  4. music fanatic's Avatar

    music fanatic said:


    I agree with atmaster, it needs some polishing. besides just needing that little fix, I really liked it.
    Heaven won't take me and Hell's afraid I'll take over
  5. lyricsfromtheheart's Avatar

    lyricsfromtheheart said:


    it is really good but it seems like you are talking about somthing different half way down
    but i still love it
  6. Clockwork said:


    You sound like you just discovered what a thesaurus is and what swear words are. Also, you may want to discover a dictionary and look up 'rhyme' and 'meter'.
  7. lyricsfromtheheart's Avatar

    lyricsfromtheheart said:


    Clockwork, not all music rhymes. .