All for What [Comments Appreciated!]

Thread: All for What [Comments Appreciated!]

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  1. Ninja TK said:

    Default All for What [Comments Appreciated!]

    This is a song I wrote a little while ago.
    Kinda a slap in the face at some of the things our nation is doing.
    I may not agree with what our nation does as a whole,
    but I support our troups. This is for them.

    All for What

    I watch as cities are bombed,
    Soldiers taken down,
    It never stops to amaze how this all came around.
    See, people fight over the dumbest of things,
    They have something you want,
    or something you need,
    But these actionss will never cease,
    It’s apart of our every day lives,
    I just wish no one else would die

    Bullets are flying,
    Soldiers are dying,
    All for what?!
    Children are screaming,
    Citizens fleeing,
    All for what?!

    “Another day another dollar”,
    That’s what the man thinks,
    They never stop to smell the roses,
    Or see how our nation sinks.
    They’re so concerned with one little thing,
    Economic activities over seas,
    It chokes me up, barely able to breathe,
    But it’s apart of our every day lives,
    I just wish no one else would die.

    Bullets are flying,
    Soldiers are dying,
    All for what?!
    Children are screaming,
    Citizens fleeing,
    All for what?!

    Bullets are flying,
    Soldiers are dying,
    All for what?!
    Children are screaming,
    Citizens fleeing,
    All for what?!


    How can we let this be, this is our nation.
    We should take a rise, and fight
    For the sole survival of what we hold dear,
    And what we cherish the most.


    Bullets are flying,
    Soldiers are dying,
    All for what?!
    Children are screaming,
    Citizens fleeing,
    All for what?!

    Bullets are flying,
    Soldiers are dying,
    All for what?!
    Children are screaming,
    Citizens fleeing,
    All for what?!
    Last edited by Ninja TK; 07-29-2008 at 03:30 PM.
  2. Restoration's Avatar

    Restoration said:

    Thumbs up This is What I'm Talking About...Quality

    "Another day another dollar”,
    That’s what the man thinks,
    They never stop to smell the roses,
    Or see how our nation sinks.
    They’re so concerned with one little thing,
    Economic activities over seas,
    It chokes me up, barely able to breathe,
    But it’s apart of our every day lives,
    I just wish no one else would die.

    Ayo...i love this verse most. In it's simplicity it really grabs
    man by the throat. This verse proves that "simple" words can have a major
    impact on the listener. You do not always have to be clever or wordy with your lyrics to get your views "understood". This verse stuck out most but the whole concept on the song is GREAT!!! Tasteful...not really a "slap" at all. There are others who have said alot worse.

    great job!! look forward to more from U!!!
  3. Dangerfield said:


    hey just wondering, what kinda song is this? cause it could make a sick hip hop track

    lyrically, this song is awesome
    the message is awesome
    dam the song is awesome lol great job
  4. Ninja TK said:


    Well, its kinda a rap/rock style.

    The verses and bridge are rap, while the chorus is rock.

    Think of it as a Linkin park style song.
  5. Dangerfield said:


    ahhh ok i get u now
  6. Ninja TK said:


    I was thinking about changing this part:

    "How can we let this be,
    This isn’t right,
    This our nation,
    We should take a rise,"

    to this:


    How can we let this be, this is our nation.
    We should take a rise, and fight
    For the sole survival of what we hold dear,
    And what we cherish the most."

    What do you guys think?
  7. Acheramee's Avatar

    Acheramee said:


    Yeah, that sounds better. Great song. very good job.

    How long did it take to write this one?
  8. Patatuli said:

    Default Loved it :D

    Awesome lyrics
  9. Ninja TK said:


    Acheramee, it took me like, 30 mins to write this song lol.

    And thank you for the comments.
  10. Acheramee's Avatar

    Acheramee said:


    he he, man! You're good. It usually takes me forever., but other times, on good days, it will only take a few, well maybe not, about ten or fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on what type of song it is. lol, whatever.
  11. Ninja TK said:


    Hah, I know what you mean.
    But this song just seemed to flow together easier than the rest of my songs I have written.
  12. Acheramee's Avatar

    Acheramee said:


    I know what you mean, some songs flow and you get into the groove, others fail miserably and they look and sound bad. And then you feel discouraged.
  13. Ninja TK said:


    Haha. Pretty much.
    I'm going to work on a new song soon though.