Rainmaker by Yanni

Thread: Rainmaker by Yanni

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  1. vovin said:

    Default Rainmaker by Yanni

    Anyone knows the lyrics of Rainmaker by Yanni? I think they are in Spanish but I'm not sure.
  2. khanzat said:


    I've watched this video: YouTube - Yanni - Rainmaker

    If that is the song, then these are the lyrics:

    Que tienen tus ojos, gitana morena [What is in your eyes, brown skinned gypsy]
    Ay, ay, ay, ay
    Hechizo de luna que me enloqueció [moon spell that made me crazy]

    The rest is an harmonic nonsense -'engualarí, gualabú, olé, olé, loleilo' that don't mean anything- but is normal in 'cante jondo' and a repetition of the above lyrics
  3. vovin said:


    Quote Originally Posted by khanzat View Post
    I've watched this video: YouTube - Yanni - Rainmaker

    If that is the song, then these are the lyrics:

    Que tienen tus ojos, gitana morena [What is in your eyes, brown skinned gypsy]
    Ay, ay, ay, ay
    Hechizo de luna que me enloqueció [moon spell that made me crazy]

    The rest is an harmonic nonsense -'engualarí, gualabú, olé, olé, loleilo' that don't mean anything- but is normal in 'cante jondo' and a repetition of the above lyrics
    Yeap, that's it! Thanks a lot!!!
  4. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    khanzat, Excellent Work and welcome aboard!!!!
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  5. khanzat said:


    It was my pleasure, you discovered me an interesting song
  6. startrek3001 said:

    Talking Yanni "VOICES"

    Great news for Yanni Fans. Yanni has a new video out "VOICES" part 1 on his website yanni.com. Here you will see four amazing singers. Yanni has added vocals to his music. Go to his website and view all his video`s, updates, and plans for a "2008" World Tour.
  7. Aprildb37 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by khanzat View Post
    I've watched this video: YouTube - Yanni - Rainmaker

    If that is the song, then these are the lyrics:

    Que tienen tus ojos, gitana morena [What is in your eyes, brown skinned gypsy]
    Ay, ay, ay, ay
    Hechizo de luna que me enloqueció [moon spell that made me crazy]

    The rest is an harmonic nonsense -'engualarí, gualabú, olé, olé, loleilo' that don't mean anything- but is normal in 'cante jondo' and a repetition of the above lyrics

    I found those same lyrics.. you beat me to it LOL http://moryabdi.persianblog.ir/1386/3/
  8. khanzat said:


    Mmm. that web should check my English before posting it. I'm a native Spanish speaker so I could transcribe the lyrics of the song, but I know I make a lot of mistakes when I write in English.
    Last edited by khanzat; 03-14-2011 at 03:30 AM.
  9. Aprildb37 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by khanzat View Post
    Mmm. that web should check my English before posting it. I'm a native Spanish speakes and it was very easy to transcribe the lyrics of the song, but I know I make a lot of mistakes when I write in English.
    This site http://moryabdi.persianblog.ir/1386/3/ quotes you word for word.. not the actual lyrics in the music etc.. so either they copied you or you copied them
  10. khanzat said:


    They copied me. That's why I said they should check my English before copying something I wrote.