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Thread: Solved: One more..

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  1. trueblue said:

    Question Solved: One more..

    Has anyone heard a song that goes something like this:
    If it don't matter to you, it don't matter to me?
    Sung by a male and again I would call his voice smooth and buttery.
  2. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    "It Don't Matter" by Donavon Frankenreiter?
  3. trueblue said:

    Smile Thank you panselinos ..It Don't Matter,

    Yes it is Dovanon Frankenreiter. I never heard of him before you listed him, but I love his voice. Have you ever seen him? I am planning to check him out here in A2 MI 10-27. My 2 favorite songs from his 1st album is the track: So Far Away and On My Mind.

    Thanks again for helping me find him.
  4. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    You're welcome.

    No, I've never seen him perform live. But you will, and that's what matters. Have a good time.