Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations

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  1. ana1228's Avatar

    ana1228 said:


    Ya nasy roo7y ya nasy 3einy 2amntak 7abibi bel kheir eftekerny < what does this mean .. thank you =)
    Those who mind, don't matter. Those who matter, don't mind!
  2. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ana1228 View Post
    Ya nasy roo7y ya nasy 3einy 2amntak 7abibi bel kheir eftekerny < what does this mean .. thank you =)
    You've forgotten my soul, forgotten my eyes, my darling, I hoped for the best for you, remember me
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  3. mathilda88 said:



    Dear Liana, mother of George,
    I am sending you this email to tell you how much i am sorry,
    for any pain i've caused to you and to your son.
    In my life, i have made so much mistakes.
    George helped me alot, and you should be really proud of him.
    I learned from my mistakes, and i know i wont make them anymore.
    I just wanted to let you know that even if
    George and I had a few problems, i loved him very much,
    i always did, and i always will love him.
    Lying and hiding will never take you places in life.
    I learned that from George.
    I care about your son very much.
    Please do not tell him i sent you this email,
    i just want you to take care of him, and to not be mad at him.
    He means the world to me.
    I wish i had a mother like you, my parents never cared about me,
    as much as your son did. I've always been the one taking care
    about everything for myself. My parents never gave me money to go to school,
    they dont care about my future. I pay my own bills, like school, clothes, cell phone,
    even sometimes food.
    I wanted you to get to know me more.
    I didn't know how to speak arabic, but i could understand you.
    I am the kind of person who is really shy and calm.
    That is why when i was coming over, i was like that.
    I have had the hardest life a person could have.
    I went through so much, and learned alot.
    I've been knowing your son for more then a year, since he first came to Canada.
    Since i first laid eyes on him, i knew he was the one.
    I could see myself get married to him.
    But you didn't knew me, and you always thought that George
    was making a mistake by being with me.
    Your son loves me, and i love him too.
    But he couldnt trust me, because i kept lying to him about stupid things.
    And without trust there is no relationship.
    And one more time, i am really sorry for making mistakes, and
    for any pain i've caused.
    Please do not tell George i sent you an email.
    And thank you for everything.
    You are the most perfect mother, George is really lucky.
    I like you alot, and i understand you alot too.
    I know how hard it is for you to be alone with your kids,
    and be away from your husband and from your family and friends in Lebanon.
    I admire you, you are the person that i admire the most.
    And i am on the way of being like you.
    You are strong, you have hope and faith, and 3 wonderful children.
    I understand your situation.
    And right now i am going to go through with my life,
    without even having your son next to me.
    And it is really hard to be without the only person you love,
    and the only person you can count on, to help you go through everything with.
    I admire you alot.
    You are the best.
    I am really sorry again.
    Please keep this email a secret from George.
    And thank you for reading my email.
    I know it was alot.
    Have a good day, or a good night.
    Take care of George for me please.
  4. Tourbeau said:

    Default Movie translation?

    Apologies if this is the wrong board--my question isn't a direct language translation, but it doesn't exactly fit in the chitchat discussion either. I am trying to find out if the 2007 movie "Let's Dance (ما تيجى نرقص)" with Yusra is an Arab retooling of the 2004 American movie "Shall We Dance" with Richard Gere. (I haven't seen either.) Does anyone know? Thanks!
  5. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Quote Originally Posted by mathilda88 View Post

    Dear Liana, mother of George,
    I am sending you this email to tell you how much i am sorry,
    for any pain i've caused to you and to your son.
    In my life, i have made so much mistakes.
    George helped me alot, and you should be really proud of him.
    I learned from my mistakes, and i know i wont make them anymore.
    I just wanted to let you know that even if
    George and I had a few problems, i loved him very much,
    i always did, and i always will love him.
    Lying and hiding will never take you places in life.
    I learned that from George.
    I care about your son very much.
    Please do not tell him i sent you this email,
    i just want you to take care of him, and to not be mad at him.
    He means the world to me.
    I wish i had a mother like you, my parents never cared about me,
    as much as your son did. I've always been the one taking care
    about everything for myself. My parents never gave me money to go to school,
    they dont care about my future. I pay my own bills, like school, clothes, cell phone,
    even sometimes food.
    I wanted you to get to know me more.
    I didn't know how to speak arabic, but i could understand you.
    I am the kind of person who is really shy and calm.
    That is why when i was coming over, i was like that.
    I have had the hardest life a person could have.
    I went through so much, and learned alot.
    I've been knowing your son for more then a year, since he first came to Canada.
    Since i first laid eyes on him, i knew he was the one.
    I could see myself get married to him.
    But you didn't knew me, and you always thought that George
    was making a mistake by being with me.
    Your son loves me, and i love him too.
    But he couldnt trust me, because i kept lying to him about stupid things.
    And without trust there is no relationship.
    And one more time, i am really sorry for making mistakes, and
    for any pain i've caused.
    Please do not tell George i sent you an email.
    And thank you for everything.
    You are the most perfect mother, George is really lucky.
    I like you alot, and i understand you alot too.
    I know how hard it is for you to be alone with your kids,
    and be away from your husband and from your family and friends in Lebanon.
    I admire you, you are the person that i admire the most.
    And i am on the way of being like you.
    You are strong, you have hope and faith, and 3 wonderful children.
    I understand your situation.
    And right now i am going to go through with my life,
    without even having your son next to me.
    And it is really hard to be without the only person you love,
    and the only person you can count on, to help you go through everything with.
    I admire you alot.
    You are the best.
    I am really sorry again.
    Please keep this email a secret from George.
    And thank you for reading my email.
    I know it was alot.
    Have a good day, or a good night.
    Take care of George for me please.
    here you go

    عزيزتي ليانا...أم جورج
    بعتلك هيدا الإيميل تقولك أديه انا اسفة
    اسفة على كل الم سببتلك اياه ولإبنك
    في حياتي أنا غلطت كثير
    وجورج ساعدني كثير ولازم تكوني فخورة بإبنك
    أنا تعلمت من أخطائي
    وبعرف إني ما عاد بدي إغلط مرة تانية
    بس بدي قلك إنه لو في بيني وبين جورج كم مشكلة
    بس انا كتير بحبه ودايماً كنت بحبه ورح ضل حبه
    وبعرف إنه الكزب وتخباية المشاعر ما بتدوم عطول
    انا هيك تعلمت من جورج
    انا كتير بهمني إبنك
    وبتمنى ما تخبريه عن هاي الرسالة
    انا بس بدي تهتمي فيه وما تزعلي منه
    هوه الدنيا بالنسبة الي
    يا ريت لو كان عندي ام متلك,,
    انا اهلي بعمرن ما اهتمو فيني
    ادما ابنك اهتم فيي
    انا طول عمري بهتم بحالي لحالي
    وبكل شي
    اهلي بعمرن ما عطوني مصاري لأدرس
    بعمرن ما اهتمو بمستقبلي
    انا يلي دايماً بصرف عحالي بكل شي
    من دراسة ولبس وتلفون وحتى اكل وشرب
    انا بس بتمنى تعرفيني اكثر
    انا ما بعرف إحكي عربي بس بأدر افهم عليكي
    انا من نوعية الناس الهادية وبخجل كتير
    ومشان هيك لما جيت كنت هيك
    انا عشت حياة صعبة ما حدن عاشها قبلي
    بس من هيك تعلمت كتير
    وتحملت كتير
    انا بعرف ابنك من شي سنة ونص
    من لما إجا عا كندا
    ومن وقت ما احت عيني عليه عرفت إنه هيدا يلي بدور عليه
    لدرجة اني شفت حالي ونا مجوزة اله
    بس انتي لهلأ ما بتعرفيني
    ودايما بتفكري انه جورج عم يغلط لأنه معي
    بس ابنك بحبني ونا بحبه
    وهوه مالو واثق فيني لأني كذبت عليه بشغلات تافهة
    وطبعا بلا ثقة العلاقة فاشلة
    وما بتدوم
    بس مرة تانية انا اسفة على كل غلطة عملتها
    ولأي الم سببتو الكن
    وبليز ما تخبري جورج عن رسالتي هيدي الك
    خليها سر بيناتنا
    وشكرا الك عكل شي
    انتي اكثر انسانة عظيمة وكاملة شفتا بحياتي
    وجورج محظوظ لأنك أمه
    انا معجبة فيكي كتير ومتفهتك كتير
    بعرف اديه صعبة الوحدة تعيش بعيدة عن زوجا
    وعن اهلها ورفيقاتها بلبنان
    انا بموت فيكي والوحيدة يلي بحترمها كتير
    وعم بتعلم اكون متلك .
    انتي قوية وعندك امل وايمان و 3 ولاد بجننو
    انا متفهمة لوضعك وموقفك
    وهلا انا عم شوف حياتي وكتير صعب الواحد يعيش بلا حدن هوه الوحيد يلي حبه
    والشخص الوحيد يلي فيكي تطلبي منه اي شي بهالدنيا
    انا كثير بحبك
    انتي فعلا احسن وحدة بالدنيا
    انا اسفة كتير كتير مرة تانية
    ومثل ما طلبت منك
    خلي هيدي الرسالة سر بيني وبينك
    وشكرا انك قرأتي رسالتي
    بعرف انها طويلة وفيها حكي كتير
    بتمنالك يوم حلو
    وليلة سعيدة
    ديري بالك عا جورج مشاني بليز.

  6. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Tourbeau View Post
    Apologies if this is the wrong board--my question isn't a direct language translation, but it doesn't exactly fit in the chitchat discussion either. I am trying to find out if the 2007 movie "Let's Dance (ما تيجى نرقص)" with Yusra is an Arab retooling of the 2004 American movie "Shall We Dance" with Richard Gere. (I haven't seen either.) Does anyone know? Thanks!
    if u want to download the film here is the link
    just scroll down in that forum
    you`ll see
    rapid share links
    part 1
    part 2
    and so on


    i hope i do some help for u now

    and here is another link to download the film
  7. Tourbeau said:

    Default Re: Movie translation?

    From the aflam.dljo.com link, it looks like they are even saying in the blurb that the two movies are related. (Now all I have to do is figure out why the American movies is listed as "romance/comedy" and the Arab one is "Suspense"...)

    Thanks for the help!
  8. mathilda88 said:


    Thank you Maviii for the traduction.
    I know it took time to do it.
    Thank you so much.
  9. mathilda88 said:


    How do you say in arabic lebanese :

    How do you pass your days? ->
    Everything is okey here ->
    I am studying right now ->
    I am not at home ->
    Did you talk with the ... ->
    I dont know much arabic, i am still learning ->
    What did they say to you? ->
    What did you tell them? ->
    When will i see you? ->
    Have a good day ->

  10. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Here you go

    How do you pass your days? -> keef eyamak or keef bet2di ayiamak
    Everything is okey here -> kel shi tmam hon
    I am studying right now -> ana 3m edros hala2
    I am not at home -> ana manni bel beit
    Did you talk with the ... -> 7aket el ..
    I dont know much arabic, i am still learning -> ma be3ref 3rabi kteer, 3m et3allam
    What did they say to you? -> sho 2alolak
    What did you tell them? -> sho eltelhon
    When will i see you? -> mata ra7 shofak
    Have a good day -> youmak sa3eed

    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  11. DarkGirL's Avatar

    DarkGirL said:


    can someone translate "Tadamnon M3 Abo Yazan 12 " for me..plz..?!
  12. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    @DarkGirl: a solidarity with Abo Yazan 12
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  13. LOUIE's Avatar

    LOUIE said:


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkGirL View Post
    can someone translate "Tadamnon M3 Abo Yazan 12 " for me..plz..?!
    ***, are you trying to help people get out of prison ? lol
    ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ? ??? ??????? ???? ?????
  14. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Please, would you mind translate this for me in EGYPTIAN ACCENT

    Hey, don't you think I can speak arabic I am just a begginer
    A mexican girl enchanted with the arabic world

    motashaker salafan
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  15. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Zahra2008 View Post
    Please, would you mind translate this for me in EGYPTIAN ACCENT

    Hey, don't you think I can speak arabic I am just a begginer
    A mexican girl enchanted with the arabic world

    hey,enta faker ene batkallim 3arabi ana bs lessa mobtade2a
    y3ne lessa bat3allim, ana bnt mn mexico mftoona bel 3alam el 3arabi

    motashaker salafan
    here u go dear zahra
  16. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Maviii View Post
    here u go dear zahra
    Shoukran kteer ya habibti
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  17. DarkGirL's Avatar

    DarkGirL said:


    thx alot Oriee.. and no LOUIE.. it has nothing to do with getting ppl out of prison :P... after i saw the translation i know what is it reffering to :P ( like a countdown :P) ... just a pm

    thx again Oriee
  18. Claudia said:


    Hi! Please it's possible, someone translate the following sentences?

    "Ma32ool Ensak Ma32ool"

    "7abetak Tanseet Elnoum...Wo Ya 7'ofe Tensane"

    "sallemly 3aleeh we 2ollo en betsallem 3la"

    "Ya 3asHeqat Elward...In Konte 3ala Wa3de"

    "Ana 3ande 7aneen...Ma Ba3raf Lameen"

    Thank you for your attention! :-)
  19. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Claudia View Post
    Hi! Please it's possible, someone translate the following sentences?

    "Ma32ool Ensak Ma32ool": is it possible to forget you, is it??

    "7abetak Tanseet Elnoum...Wo Ya 7'ofe Tensane": i loved you till i forget sleeping.. and i'm afraid you'd forget me

    "sallemly 3aleeh we 2ollo en betsallem 3la": give him my salute... and tell him that i say "hi" to him

    "Ya 3asHeqat Elward...In Konte 3ala Wa3de": oh you the flower lover.. if you're still dedicated to my promise

    "Ana 3ande 7aneen...Ma Ba3raf Lameen": i have nostalgia.. i don't know to whom

    Thank you for your attention! :-)
    here you go dear claudia, these are Fairouz songs except the first one is for Fadel shaker
    and i don't know about the fourth one...
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  20. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    You're so welcome DarkGirL anytime
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God