Olga, thank you so much for posting these lovely links, I also found out today about these great news regarding Tose's upcoming album and the interview with the producer, it is wonderful everything that he said and he is trying to do and I agree with his last sentence, that we must tell to the world who was Tose and how much he was valuable for all of us and as human being at all. I think that all of us in a way contribute into that, as I see this thread is full with all of you great people coming from different countries around the world and this makes me really really happy:-) I'm just sad that Tose won't be there for the album which he did with lots of love, hope and passion, but deep down inside I hope he'll know how much he was loved and how much he was worth
And thanks to Temi about the translation of the interview, you got everything right Well done!:-)
Марија и Драгица, морам да ви признаам дека и двете одлично се снаоѓате со македонскиот јазик и ме радува фактот што се трудите да комуницирате на истиот и да се подобрувате:-) Браво за вас, одлични сте
Марија, нема проблем за песната:-) Инаку и јас исто така не можам да замислам да скокнам во водата кога е толку ладно надвор, ама уживам во настанот, бидејќи има посебно значење и на некој начин духовно не поврзува сите:-)
Драгица благодарам за честитките:-) Искрено доста се израдував на нашата победа и мило ми е што и ти навиваше за нашата репрезентација, знам дека Олга нема да се налути И ние те сакаме и ти посакуваме се најубаво, секој ден да ни носиш ведрина и љубов.
*I really liked both of the videos that Dragica sent us, just I wish in a way not to have seen the second one, or at least not to read the comments, because I really got upset from one of them. It is written from a Greek guy (I'm not surprised-but thought they have heart maybe for such things) anyway, the words said for Tose are highly highly rude and disgusting that I can't even imagine such kind of human beings exist or can write such things.
He ruined my whole day, because I rarely get nervous, but someone saying bad for Tose makes me extremely angry and I think the comment must be removed right away!!!!!!!!
If you love Tose so much (for what I don't doubt) don't read it, because it will hurt you a lot! At least it did to me. I really feel bad and don't want to judge anyone, but think such people don't deserve to live, the only good destination for them is hell itself! By his words and soul, think he's already there!
Sorry for being long, but I had to write this, since it is the first time I see such comment for our angel and the first time I feel extremely stressed...