Khalid Ajaj - Mein fi alhayah

Thread: Khalid Ajaj - Mein fi alhayah

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  1. itb402 said:

    Default Khalid Ajaj - Mein fi alhayah

    Khalid Ajaj - Mein fi alhayah
    Last edited by itb402; 03-23-2010 at 05:17 PM.
  2. Dr_Maro said:


    who, in this world, wasn't born innocent
    there is no difference between us and the angels
    may god forgive this world that changed us
    the innocence was short lived
    there r people who were crushed in their way
    and people who were lost in their ways
    and people who have to go in any way

    the defect in whom, god
    and the fault is at whom
    there are people who pay for other people sins
    days have a deadly hit
    as if the world is empty
    and there is nothing called human beings
  3. itb402 said:


    thank you very much