Favorite music artist right now?

Thread: Favorite music artist right now?

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  1. cecilia2 said:

    Default Favorite music artist right now?

    A question inspired by this interview of the liberty basketball team telling us who there favorite artist is that my friend just sent me.. http://video.msg.com/Videos/New-York...7A2A51vtYVBHpP
    I figured it would be fun to discuss who everyone's favorite music artist is right now???
  2. rockitmarty said:


    Passion Pit
    “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman umgd
  3. Kikyo Maaka's Avatar

    Kikyo Maaka said:


    Hikaru Utada for sure
    こんにちわ! 私わ真紅起居! どうぞ宜しく!
    - "Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison..." -
  4. Spirit34's Avatar

    Spirit34 said:


    Sonata arctica.
    "The morning dawned upon this altar
    Remains of the dark passion play
    Performed by his friends without shame
    Spitting on his grave as they came" ~♥♥♥~
  5. PlainChaos said:


    I'm currently into Adema (nothing new, though)