puses between smiles and words

Thread: puses between smiles and words

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  1. 4 shades of reason said:

    Default puses between smiles and words

    because it took me a moment to speak
    and it took you a second to smile
    our words were few but understood
    you've already given me more then most ever could
    /i love you like a dreamer loves art
    like a wisher loves a shooting star
    like a puzzle loves to fall apart
    we find the pieces are ment to be
    perfect like the pauses between smiles and the words we speak
    perfect like you are to me/
    well it took you a moment to fall
    and it took me a second to breath
    happy lost in this air you share with me
    i hang on every heart beat
    cause each is one tiny symphoney
    /i love you like a dreamer loves art
    like a wisher loves a shooting star
    like a puzzle loves to fall apart
    we find the pieces are ment to be
    perfect like the pauses between smiles and the words we speak
    perfect like you are to me/
    because it took me a moment to speak
    and it took you a second to smile
    lay with me an lets find meaning in silence for awhile
  2. 4 shades of reason said:


    im a lil confused as to what you mean but thanks for reading
  3. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:


    i really liked your lyrics, 4 shades of reason...especially the lyric with the puzzle...Very sweet! Wish u luck with writing other lyrics !
    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...