Rashed Al Majid - Mazaje

Thread: Rashed Al Majid - Mazaje

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  1. nickhasie said:

    Default Rashed Al Majid - Mazaje

    Hiya all..can someone translate this song by Rashed Al Majid..sadly I dont have the lyrics, just the video..and I cant read the title either bcos its in arabic.. :-( If its unable to be translated, can someone spell out the title of this song in alphabet "abc" please.. Thank u....so much :-)

  2. mesho's Avatar

    mesho said:


    it's called mazaje

    mazaje means Literally my mood

    but here he means i do what ever i want

    i'll work on it right now
  3. nickhasie said:


    Ooohh...thank u thank u...shookran shookran... I'm soo happy.. :-D Thank u Mesho... :-)))
  4. mesho's Avatar

    mesho said:


    you're welcome

    here you go


    هذا طبعي وانتهاجي
    ha4a 6b3ee oo 2ntehaje
    this is My nature and my method

    حتى لو قلبي يناجي
    7tta loo 8lbe yenaje
    even if my heart was yearning for you

    يـــــوم أفوّتها حبيبي
    yoom afwetha 7bebe
    when i ignore what you do my lover

    لك أفوّتـــــها بمزاجي
    lk afwetha bmazaje
    i ignore it because i want to

    هـذا من طيبي و ذوقي
    ha4a mn 6ebe oo 4o8e
    this is because i'm kind and nice

    لك أوضح كثر شــــوقي
    lk aya'9 kthr shoo8e
    i always show you how much i missed you

    بس لو تجرح خفــــوقي
    bs loo tjr7 '7foo8e
    but if you hurt me

    عندي لجروحي علاجي
    3nde ljroo7ee 3elaje
    i have who can heal this pain

    قلبي ما ينكر وجودك
    8lbe ma ynkr wjoodk
    my heart never Deny your presence

    ما نـقض مرة عهودك
    ma n8'9 mrrah 3hoodk
    never break the promises i gave you

    وأنت تتـعدى حدودك
    oo ent tt3adda 7dodk
    and you always across the line

    تفتكرني فيـك لاجي
    tftkernee feek laje
    you think that i can't live without you

    لا تمــــادى في دلالك
    la tmade fe dlalk
    don't be so spoiled

    أو علي تشوف حــالك
    2o 3alee tshoof 7alk
    and don't be so egoist

    عايش بدنيا خـــــيالك
    3aysh bdenya '7yalk
    living in your fantasy world

    للأسف في برج عاجي
    ll.2sf fe brj 3aje
    Unfortunately, living in your ivory tower

    لا تفكرها شطــــــارة
    la tfkrha sh6arah
    don't think that you are so strong

    لما تسقيني المــرارة
    lmma ts8ene l.mrarah
    when you make me drink bitter

    ترمي الناس بحجــارة
    trme l.nas be7jarah
    you threw people with stones

    وأنت في بيت زجاجي
    oo ent fee beet zojaje
    and your own house made of glass

    لا تكلم عن غـــــــــــرورك
    la tklm 3n '3rork
    don't talk about your egoist

    أو في عمري وش هو دورك
    2o fee 3mre osh ho dork
    or what is your role in my live

    خلني مقدر شـــــــــعورك
    '7lnee m8dr sh3oork
    if you want me to stay considering your feeling

    لا تعكـــــــــــر لي مزاجي
    la t3kr le mzaje
    don't ruin my mood
  5. nickhasie said:


    Oh wow wow wow Mesho..its fantastic! Mashallah..its amazing..I love this song even more after understanding the meaning..Its exactly how I feel sometimes towards him (I'm a female :-) ) Thank u..thumbs up! U r awesome... Way to go Rashid Al Majed :-D..keep more of ur music coming :-)
  6. mesho's Avatar

    mesho said:


    Quote Originally Posted by nickhasie View Post
    Oh wow wow wow Mesho..its fantastic! Mashallah..its amazing..I love this song even more after understanding the meaning..Its exactly how I feel sometimes towards him (I'm a female :-) ) Thank u..thumbs up! U r awesome... Way to go Rashid Al Majed :-D..keep more of ur music coming :-)
    i'm really glad that you like it

    his song is the best

    if you like rashid al majed's songs you should hear abdulmajid abdallah's songs

    those two are so popular in my country

    their songs are the best <3<3