Magd el Qasem - Ghamath Einiek

Thread: Magd el Qasem - Ghamath Einiek

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  1. Keltoum said:

    Default Magd el Qasem - Ghamath Einiek


    I'm looking for the lyrics of the song Ghamath Einiek from the singer Magd el Qasem.
    I hope that someone could help me out here ?

    Ain't it a beautiful song ?!

    This the song;

    Thanks in advance !!
  2. Gole Yas said:


    غمض عينيك.. وإحلم معايا.. وهات إيديك.. واحضن هوايا
    Close your eyes, and dream with me, bring your hands, and hug/hold on to my love
    غمض عينيك.. وإحلم معايا.. وهات إيديك.. واحضن هوايا
    Close your eyes, and dream with me, bring your hands, and hug/hold on to my love

    احضن هوايا لأبعد حد.. والمس معايا خدود الورد
    Hold on to my love to the extreme, and with me touch the flowery cheeks
    لانجوم وليل ولا سما ولا ارض.. داحنا في دنيا لوحدنا
    No stars, no night, no sky, no earth.. its just the two of us in this world

    دوقني شوق دوق الغرام .. غمض عينيك وفي حضني نام
    Make me taste the longing, and you taste love... close your eyes and sleep in my embrace
    قول الهوا من غير كلام .. داحنا اتخلقنا لبعضنا
    In the air speak and say this without using words ... Oh we were made for each other

    غمض عينيك.. وإحلم معايا.. وهات إيديك.. واحضن هوايا
    Close your eyes, and dream with me, bring your hands, and hug/hold on to my love

    ليلة غرام نحلم ندوب .. من غير كلام تحكي القلوب
    A night of love, we dream and melt... without words the hearts speak
    خدني لهواك داحنا يا دوب .. باب الهوى مفتوح لنا
    Take me to your love.. for the door of love is just barely open for us

    غمض عينيك.. وإحلم معايا.. وهات إيديك.. واحضن هوايا
    Close your eyes, and dream with me, bring your hands, and hug/hold on to my love
    غمض عينيك.. وإحلم معايا.. وهات إيديك.. واحضن هوايا
    Close your eyes, and dream with me, bring your hands, and hug/hold on to my love
  3. Keltoum said:


    Thanks a lot !
  4. Gole Yas said:


    wlx sweetz.. anytime
  5. Keltoum said:


    And i have another question, hopefully it's not too much asked.
    But could you also translate this song for me ?
    And perhaps with lyrics ?
    I hope so !!

    Hesham Nour - Eshta2telak

    You're an angel !
  6. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    I cant find the lyrics Gole but I've moved Keltoum's request to a new thread here for you

    Edit: I wrote up the lyrics and translated it It was too a nice a song to resist sorry
    Last edited by VivaPalestina; 07-27-2010 at 04:52 AM.