Wadih Mrad - Da3o El Ahbab (وديع مراد - ضاعو الاحباب)

Thread: Wadih Mrad - Da3o El Ahbab (وديع مراد - ضاعو الاحباب)

Tags: wadih mrad lyrics
  1. hos02 said:

    Smile Wadih Mrad - Da3o El Ahbab (وديع مراد - ضاعو الاحباب)

    Hello, could someone please help me translate Wadih Mrad's song "Da3o El Ahbab" (ضاعو الاحباب) into english. The song was included on his album "El Madi Entawa" in 2006.

    If somone could help me, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    Here is a youtube link of the song:

    Here are the Arabic lyrics:

    دايب مش قادر احكي في قلبي حزن كبير
    لا قادر اضحك وابكي اللي راح مني كتير
    يا ترى ما اشتقتلي
    ولا عم بخطر ع بالك
    صارحني نسيتني قلي
    ما بعلمي كنت خيالك

    معك ضيعت سنيني وللبعد ما عملت حساب
    تاري مكتوب ع جبيني التعب والعزاب
    ما تخيلتك تنسى
    تجرحلي قلبي وتقسى
    بكرة مصيرك تلقى
    ويكون ضاعوا الاحباب
    يا ترى ما اشتقتلي
    ولا عم بخطر ع بالك
    صارحني نسيتني قلي
    ما بعلمي كنت خيالك
  2. Sakiye's Avatar

    Sakiye said:


    Dayeb mish 2ader a7ki fe 2albi 7ezn kbir.
    La 2ader ad7ak w abki elli ra7 meni ktir.
    Ya tara ma eshta2teli?
    w la 3am bo5tr 3abalak?
    Sare7ni nissitni, 2illi!
    Ma b3almi kint 5ialak.

    Ma3ak dya3t snini w llbo3d ma 3amelt 7ssab.
    tari maktoub 3a jbini al ta3b w al 3azab.
    Ma tkhayaltak tenssa.
    tejra7li 2albi w te2ssa.
    bokra massirak tl2a,
    w bokra da3o al a7bab.
  3. hos02 said:


    Thanks so much "Sakiye," but can someone please translate the song into english. Thanks
  4. Sakiye's Avatar

    Sakiye said:


    Dayeb mish 2ader a7ki fe 2albi 7ezn kbir.
    Iīm melting, and not able to speak. The sadness in my heart is big

    La 2ader ad7ak w abki elli ra7 meni ktir.
    Iīm not able to laugh and cry.
    that what have gone from me is so much.

    Ya tara ma eshta2teli?
    (tara =donīt know how to translate) Didnīt you missed me?
    w la 3am bo5tr 3abalak?
    and Iīm not coming on your mind?
    Sare7ni nissitni, 2illi!
    be truely, did you forget me? tell me!

    Ma b3almi kint 5ialak.
    I didnīīt knew that i was your fantasy.

    Ma3ak dya3t snini w llbo3d ma 3amelt 7ssab.
    With you i lost years and i didnīt thought about it.

    tari maktoub 3a jbini al ta3b w al 3azab.
    as long as itīs written on my forehead the exhaustion and the tortures.

    Ma tkhayaltak tenssa.
    it never comes in my fantasie that you will forget (me)

    tejra7li 2albi w te2ssa.
    that you hurt my heart and become hard

    bokra massirak tl2a,
    (dont know) :S

    w bokra da3o al a7bab.
    and tomorrow the lovers will be lost.

    I did my best.
    If there ist something wrong please improve it
  5. hos02 said:


    Thank you so much. This will do for now. God bless.
  6. Gole Yas said:


    دايب مش قادر احكي في قلبي حزن كبير
    Dayeb mish 2ader a7ki fe 2albi 7ezn kbir
    Iīm melting, and not able to speak. The sadness in my heart is big

    لا قادر اضحك وابكي اللي راح مني كتير
    La 2ader ad7ak w abki elli ra7 meni ktir
    Iīm not able to laugh nor cry.. that which has gone from me is so much

    يا ترى ما اشتقتلي
    Ya tara ma eshta2teli?
    I wonder, didn’t you miss me?

    ولا عم بخطر ع بالك
    w la 3am bo5tr 3abalak?
    Don’t I even cross your mind?

    صارحني نسيتني قلي
    Sare7ni nissitni, 2illi!
    Confront me honestly, did you forget me? tell me!

    ما بعلمي كنت خيالك
    Ma b3almi kint 5ialak
    I didn’t know I was a part of your imagination

    معك ضيعت سنيني وللبعد ما عملت حساب
    Ma3ak dya3t snini w llbo3d ma 3amelt 7ssab
    With you i lost years, I never thought there’d be distance

    تاري مكتوب ع جبيني التعب والعزاب
    tari maktoub 3a jbini al ta3b w al 3azab
    it turned out that exhaustion and torture was written on my forehead

    ما تخيلتك تنسى
    Ma tkhayaltak tenssa
    I never imagined that you’ll forget

    تجرحلي قلبي وتقسى
    tejra7li 2albi w te2ssa
    that you hurt my heart and become cruel

    بكرة مصيرك تلقى
    bokra massirak tl2a
    tomorrow you will find your fate

    ويكون ضاعوا الاحباب
    O ykoon ‘6a3o el 2a7bab
    And the lovers would have already been lost (meaning it will be too late)